Optimax / Super Unleaded/ Normal Unleaded???


I've been varying from Super and Optimax but am told by a work colleague who thinks he knows it all that normal unleaded is fine.

Any clues??


NO NONONormal unleaded is not ok. It's only 95 ron wheras optimax is 98. If you run 95 ron then the engine is more likely to suffer from misfire etc

Fast Guy

Staff member
If you have a Pulsar (import) normal unleaded is a definate no-no unless you've had it mapped for 95ron or are desperate for fuel and have to put it in ( but drive like an old lady till you can put some good stuff in :wink: )

UK (sunnys) will proabaly be ok on it, but check for definate with an owner of a Sunny first :wink: (and 97/98 ron would be better anway :p )


Well-Known Member
Mine runs ok on normal unleaded but it is a Sunny so thats what its mapped for :wink:

I still run it on optimax though cos it goes better.


When I first got my imported R I was running normal 95 unleaded. I was misfiring loads. Switched to super and problem solved also got a few extra horses on the rollers :wink:


It was running a little like that when I first got it - misfiring and stuff.. it had a 1/4 of a tank in it.. but I'm not sure what fuel it was and it had been stood for a while whilst waiting for the DVLA docs and stuff in the importers..

It's running fine now though.

Just thought I'd ask so as to prove somebody wrong!



New Member
if you run lower octane fuel then your more at risk of detonation, cracking your pistons and paying £0000's to have an engine rebuild.. the risk increases if your car is running more than standard boost. give this know it all bloke a slap.. and tell him he is an idiot.


optimax all the way, even though it is fcking expensive, but i didnt buy another R to worry about cost of running it :wink:


Active Member
ShayneG said:
What the difference between optimax and Super unleaded. :roll:
1.6 RON at least :wink: Basically, 'normal super unleaded' is 97 RON. Where as Optimax is garunteed to be at least 98.6 RON. Plus, Optimax has a lot of cleaning agents that clean and preserve the fuel track and any part the fuel comes into contact with. This isn't just 'smart' advertising either. One of the top mags, EVO I think, put only Optimax in for a length of time in a 5 series BMW (not a new car). They then stripped the engine down and it was all clean inside !

It's like Ronseal, "does exactly what it say's on the tin" :lol:


dont be cheap!!! use the proper fuel!!

does your work m8 have an R?
if not then tell him to shut up. if so then tell him you are amazed that its still running!

if you remap it to run on 95 you could do it. but you cant turn up the boost etc on shit fuel. this IS a performance car so you have to feed it performance fuel to get the proper running results from it.

please, with care, tell you m8 to think about it for a sec. you could run it on 95 but 1 rebuild cost more than the saving on fuel!.
and you should run it on 98 (well 100 really but 98 will do) so you get more performance and a better running car.



Did expect such a response guys! ha ha

The guy doesn't drive an R no... he's got some Daewoo or something. ha ha. I didn't take his word for a minute so don't worry about me filling it with the sh!t stuff.



Your mate is a TW@T!! :shock:
Tell him to stick with his shi!t box and crap fuel :!: