Orange Lumps!!



Driving along the other week, gave it a bit of boost to overtake some loser, pulled fine, and then started to die :oops:
Looked in rear view mirror and saw lots of orange/yellow lumps coming out the back.....I'm assuming these were bits of the CAT...
Managed to linp car off dual carriageway, and after it had cooled, started up, and drove. Not been running much boost though, and have ordered a 'Goose' to replace the obviously fcuked zorst!!
Been driving it careful since, whilst waiting for goose to arrive.....and suddenly got HUGE BANG and another BANG the other night, and car stalled :shock: Hasn't started since...but pops and bangs when trying to turn over!!
Could it be the exhaust is blocked or what??? Hope its simple, as running out of dough :(


Active Member
Was this in the dark that orange and yellow lumps came flying out of your zorst?

I hope so.

Could be bits of very hot cat internals coming out.

Could also (more likely) be chunks of super heated turbo being ejected. Or even worse bits of piston... but that would take chunks of turbo with them. :shock:

It kinda depends - how many lumps? how large? and were they yellow when they cooled down? Might be an alien invasion.

If you'd been ragging big style the cat could get glowing hot and the internals take the ejector route.

What other mods do you have on the car.... for e.g. if you have an atmo dump valve it could be that cos of the metered air being ejected on gearchanges the engine overfuels... the excess fuel builds up in the cat... then the cat gets roasting and literally explodes. Sending lumps of shite out behind you.

If the cat has internally self destructed this could block the exhaust amd cause no end of running probs. So? Whilst waiting for ur Goose... see if u can run the car without the cat... it'll be bloody noisy and you'll get pulled by the rozzers - but it shouldn't misfire!

Don't forget - when it comes to fit the Goose, you'll need to get the car at least 6ft off the deck to get the pipe in.

Good Luck

GeeTee 8)


Cheers for swift replies guys. Hope its not alien invasion Gee!!!
It was in daylight hours!
I hope ur right Matty.
Really don't want it to be anything to do with pistons or turbo!!
It ran fine, albeit i didn't give it any boost, for a couple of weeks after the initial lump blow out, so auuming not a problem with pistons etc, and turbo was spinning according to guage, although i only gave it a little boost to check........
Will update when goose on this week hopefully :D
Car dead at moment so wont be able to detach cat from car in car park!
Rozzers dont mind the goose then?


Active Member
Never had a problem with the rozzers / filth / scum / bastards with a 3 inch tubby back Goose with decat.

Yeh it's loud and yeh it spits flames. But I drive like a fukkin nun in built up areas (as we all should). The only other time I see them is on the M1 every day and they're more interested in pulling over foreign HGV's for some reason. :?

Suits me.

Never had a tug. At all. In the R at least :wink:

GeeTee 8)

one Gti-R

sounds like the cat giving way.

Is the car still making and holding boost ???

Fast Guy

Staff member
Check your plugs haven't died. Orange stuff coming out of the exhaust is normally glowing carbon. If the almighty bang was det, maybe it could have killed your plugs :?


New Member
I had a orange lumps come out of my exhaust when my king lead came off showing a 300zx what it's all about.

As Carl said, i blamed it on carbon due to high temps as the ignition cut out dead at about 5k.

Sounds like it could be your exhaust, could be any of the baffles. Have you noticed a rattle from the exhaust at all since when idling?

Check your plugs though, ASAP.


Nice one fellas.
Still waiting for the goose to arrive so cant get the old exhaust off yet.
Leading up to the original collapse when the lumps came out, the exhaust had been sqeeking and rattling for a while, and was really starting to annoy me, and funnily enough, after the ,umps, it didn't quite seem to rattle as much :shock:
I'll check the plugs though as well.....what a bastard..i remember changing them when i got the vehicle, and it took bloody ages :lol:
I've got a set of Denzo plugs in at about £11 a shot, so not cheap..
The car had been running well on these too...
I'll check the king lead too, but assuming thats ok as i can hear it trying to fire up....followed by pops and very loud bangs sometimes :shock:
For the few weeks after the lumps, driving around carefully, whilst waiting for the goose, it was boosting, but i didn't give it too much for fear of it breaking down again.....but it did feel sluggish.....the boost guage did go up smoothly though...albeit a short amount due to me holding off it!!


Active Member
Think you'll be fine with the new zorst... just think some baffling's collapsed and flicked out. What;s left is blocking the zorst creating too much back pressure.

Just drive easy.

GeeTee 8)