Overboosting with Manual Boost Controller

Matt Evans

Hi all, I need some help with my Manual boost Controller ( Ball & Spring type). I fitted it exactly as instructed, basically replacing my bleed valve with it, but my car overboosted. I've tried everything I can think of, which included adjusting it (Obviously) But it still overboosts. I put my bleed valve back on and its fine again. :?

Whats the deal, is it knackered or have I done something wrong?


New Member
I would go for the air leak possibility first mate, are all the original pipes utilised or are some left out?? This may be a possible cause, cant say to be sure as ive never fitted one :roll: lol :lol:

Goodluck, Ant.

Matt Evans

Thanks for the replies! :D

I think the pipe work is fine as I have put my bleed valve back on and everything is o.k. The new controller literally just replaces the bleed valve, so if there was a problem with the pipes it would show up with the bleed valve fitted too.

I think a few other people have had similar problems but I can't seem to find their posts. :(


New Member
:D Hi mate,iirc there was a bit of an issue with Dawes device type boost controllers a while back,nothing serious,apparently the ball in the device didnt sit properly due to there being burrs on the cup section that the ball was supposed to sit against and again iirc all you needed to do was insert something like the end of a ballpoint pen and twist a couple of times to remove them and this sorted it :wink:

Matt Evans

I looked for burrs but couldn't see any. I eventually unscrewed the valve as far as it would go (theres's literally one thread holding it!) and it finally stays at 1 bar :D Thank Feck for that :!:

Thanks for all the replies. 8)