pain in the arse...

Gaz gtiR

New Member
took the manifold off today to get the turbo off. ive heard the nut behind the altonater is a b**ch to get to! that was easy so i thought lol. the nightmare is the nut behind the turbo flange :shock::roll: awkward or wot...
dous this 1 nut have to go back on do uyou think or can i just leave this 1 off?? i dont think it would blow would it??:?


New Member
Put it back on... ;-) In fact, you should put that nut on first as it's easier when the others are loose or off.
You can do it!


if you have the standard cast manifold then leave it off!
the nut next to it which is easily accessible is plenty man enough to draw the manifold in and it will not blow.
if on the other hand you have one of those crap ebay style manifolds you will need every nut you can get your hands on to stop the booger from warping and blowing