par/quaife box?

davey red.r

New Member
picked up my new car today,
off kev 200 off here,
nice car,
drove it back from doncaster,its got a lovely top end power range:-D
not so good lower end, as im used to my red r with its lightned flywheel you can narf see the differance,
anyway ive a bit of a dillema,
on buying the car i was under the impression it had a quaife box in,
driving it home it felt a lot better than my quaife was a lovely box well chuffed with it,
has that nice whine that quaifes have so i thought nothing more of it until i got home.
checking the history it turns out its a par gearset:shock: 8)
im torn which one to go for quaife or this par,
planning 400bhp very soon and dont know which box to choose,
spose thats a good situation to be in:-D
i really like this par box on driving it up from doncaster.

what do yous think i should do i think i know which box im going to keep.
comments welcome.


davey red.r

New Member
Odin said:
Most Par boxes are rubbish, But that is mainly down to how they where built. Bernie and CTS said the par needs a lot more machining to get it to fit/work properly, He also told me the quality of the gear set was poor compared to either the Quaife or PPG sets.

I also know quite a few people who have had nothing but problems with their boxes, Chunky Chan and Skiddusmarkus to name just two.

But the Australians swear by them and some of the top drag cars are using Par boxes, So it's up to you really, If it's working well them it's probably been built properly.

i think it has been rebuilt well as follows.
gearbox bearings. £24
gearbox output shaft. £240
grown wheel. £130
rev bush 1 £6.84
rev bush 2 £6.84
5th gear synchro £25
2nd gear synchro £45
1st gear synchro £45
gearbox bulkring £35
bulkring n2 £24
driveshaft oilseals £25
clutch release bearing
par gearset £2100
diff bearings £99
diff bearing 2 £36
clutch master cylinder £89
sounds like a good rebuild guess thats why it feels great8)
rob, tbh it feels better than the quaife,not saying it is as i havnt heard much about par


davey red.r

New Member
fcuk it then, thanks for the advice rob quaife it is then,
as i only want nothing but quality for the remapp,
dont want the bogey or albatross:lol: shitt*ng its self under big bhp.


davey red.r

New Member
Odin said:
I think you'll be safe enough in your skanky under powered old 5hitter matey ;-) :lol: :lol: .

If you like the way it feels just leave it alone, How many miles has that box done ?, If it's been in a while it should be OK.

Most UNDER PAR problems occur straight away due to shoddy building.

2006 rob,
knowing my luck though id keep the hole in one box, sell the quaife, get my under powered shitt*remapped then steven hawkins big bang theory:x :lol:
weston performance done it



Active Member
Bernie, rebuilt my PAR box and its working fine, plus a very slick shift not driven a better one in a Pulsar..... if its working ok and been built propaly leave it along as you will get no more performance from a quaife....infact the gears on a PAR box are larger than the quaife and will handle 400bhp as they say its good for 450....Odin is right many ossy drag racers us them in VERY high powered scooby's etc.

davey red.r

New Member
bracpan said:
Bernie, rebuilt my PAR box and its working fine, plus a very slick shift not driven a better one in a Pulsar..... if its working ok and been built propaly leave it along as you will get no more performance from a quaife....infact the gears on a PAR box are larger than the quaife and will handle 400bhp as they say its good for 450....Odin is right many ossy drag racers us them in VERY high powered scooby's etc.
phil did you have to do that:lol:
my fcucking heads in bits here over making the right choice:?


davey red.r

New Member
kev says that it was a quaife, and thats what he was told,
but it says par on the gearbox rebuild invoice,
well theres only one thing to do, ring them on monday and find out.



New Member
as phil says, the par teeth are bigger and slightly straighter cut than the quaife, it may even be a straight cut synchro par set (think they did one)

If its all working fine you wont have any problems with it, the only thing that would sway it for me would be its easier to get replacement parts from quaife if needed, although you could mix and match gearsets but would have to use the same input and main gears as the quaife wont mesh with the par properly

davey red.r

New Member
cheers mate,i will be talking to the guys who done the box monday,
im hoping its a quaife,
will update on monday night as to what it is birdie, or quaife:?


davey red.r

New Member
not be for about a week dan,
need to take all the goodies off mine, gabs, whiteline arb, bushes etc, and rota boosts,
then next week putting my engine box out of red r into the new white one,
and par box and standard engine in the red one cant believe ive sold the red one already8)