Pipes? Should they be connected??



Hi people,

Im not sure if this is related to my other fault of the car stuttering/holding back. Basically on my first R there were pipes connected to the boost control solennoid, on my new R there are none, also there are 2 small metal pipes on the intercooler, these both have no pipes connected on them. I was told by the person i got the car from that the car was running 0.9 bar of boost and the boost control solenoid had been diconnected to beable to do this?

Should i start worrying about this or is it ok??

Any help would be much appreciated.


New Member
if the metal pipe through the intercooler frame on the rhs have nothing connected there may be a bleed valve or something fitted in that line, if the line isn't connected to anything to join it or replaced with one length of hose you could be running unlimited boost, which could be a factor to your other problems..

Have a closer look at it, might have to take the intercooler off.

Is there no after market gauge in the car ??


New Member
have a look at the wastegate actuator, trace the pipe back to wherever it goes.
It MUST go somewhere, otherwise you have no control over it, although, there is a mod which involves looping it off the actuator to somewhere? :?: :?


Theres no bleed valve on it, i will have a closer look but from what i can remember one pipe goes back into the plastic pipe that either feeds the turbo or exits the turbo. Just dropped a mate home, and the car had just warmed up so i booted it and mate did she fly, felt quicker than it had ever been, then after two minutes of driving sensibly went to boot it and stuttered then seemed to clear but then did not seem very quick at all?

This has been going on for about 3 weeks now??


one Gti-R

My guess is the line is still there the previous owner has just by passed the intercooler.

simple to do

if your holding a certian boost level then there is nothing to worry about.

If you hit boost and it just keeps boosting until you let your foot off you have a problem.


Well-Known Member
Pulsar666 said:
i booted it and mate did she fly, felt quicker than it had ever been, then after two minutes of driving sensibly went to boot it and stuttered then seemed to clear but then did not seem very quick at all?

This has been going on for about 3 weeks now??
It sounds to me like its its overboosting :wink: It could also be detonating which would make it go into safe mode and seem slow.

The first thing to do is find out what boost you are actually running at :wink: If one of the pipes is missing off the actuator you could be running 1.4 bar :shock: And you could be risking putting nice big holes in your pistons if you carry on driving it like this :(


MarkTurbo said:
The first thing to do is find out what boost you are actually running at :wink: If one of the pipes is missing off the actuator you could be running 1.4 bar :shock: And you could be risking putting nice big holes in your pistons if you carry on driving it like this :(
I was running unlimited after I had my 5th gear and clutch fitted. Floored it pulling away and thought christ this is quick, flipped my AVCR to show peak boost and it was 1.62bar :shock: :? :shock: Thought f*ck and cruised back home. Hadn't been plumbed back in properly.

I suppose if I hadn't had an after market display I would have never known :shock: :? Still, was good fun to experience a 1.6bar R 8)


New Member
Just to make it clear, if it feels quicker than it should be, then GET IT SORTED ASAP, like Mark said, you could be looking for a new engine very soon :shock: :cry:


Cheers for the help people, what im gonna do is try and get an aftermarket boost gauge and see what its running at, also i will find out where all these pipes are going or gone and report back.

Any more ideas would be great.

Martyn :D


Well-Known Member
Just start at the wastegate actuator on the turbo, there should be a vacuum pipe coming off it. Follow this pipe back and it should connect to the inlet plenum :wink:


Just looked at the pipes on my car. Basically the pipe coming off the wastegate actuator goes to the back of the engine somewhere, but this pipe has been T`d into and a pipe goes into the inlet tube which goes into the turbo from the air filter. There are no pipes connected to the boost control solenoid.

Any ideas?

Martyn. :D

Fast Guy

Staff member
Pulsar666 said:
but this pipe has been T`d into and a pipe goes into the inlet tube which goes into the turbo from the air filter.
If that pipe is just open to the inlet, it will be acting as a bleed valve and just letting air bleed off to the inlet. How much it bleeds off will depend on the bore of the pipe.
What boost are you running on the gauge?


I only have a standard gauge and it goes round to the 7. So i dont no how much more it is going.



New Member
As standard, it should have this T-piece going into the air filter, but it should go via the solenoid. As fast guy says, the pressure will be bled off through the t-piece, so i should think you would be running way over standard boost (and way over 1 bar i should think :? )
Best idea would be to block off the T-piece, or change it for a straight connector as a tempory measure just so you arent running to much boost.
There is a diagram somewhere showing how it should all be connected


Nice one cheers for that people, gonna try find that diagram, if anyone knows where it is could you let me know, cheers.
