Playing in the snow yesterday (with vid)


Well-Known Member
I was meant to doing some work on my astra yesterday but i poked my head out the workshop door to see it snowing :p That was it, tools down and off home to get the Sunny out :twisted:

I went down to the local industrial estate (which was deserted 8) ) and spent about 1/2 an hour just drifting around :lol: Heres 1 of the videos, i'll put some more up when i get in later :wink:

Left click on the link!

I managed to upset 2 old biddys too :lol: There was a 90 degree bend at the bottom of the estate which was covered in snow, as i came up to it i just dipped the clutch quickly and gave it a bootful and managed to drift round the whole bend perfectly 8) I dont think the 2 old biddys out walking their dog thought too much of my effort though, they just stood there shaking their heads :lol: :lol: :lol:


Spot-on mate, i love playing in snow with my Pulsar.

The great thing is, is that its a useful car in all weathers (pretty much)

you dont see me at the bottom of a snowy hill scratching my head with my fwd / rwd car that has been rendered useless by the weather lol

Tom :roll:


Staff member
was down my dads & on 27th dec there where snows blizzards galore! It was ace!


Thats quite good control you had very neat looks like you always drive carful :wink: :lol:


:lol: Looks fun. I had the same idea Weds night :oops: Wish it would snow more often :cry:


Well-Known Member
I like to think that im as delicate with my car control as i am with my words on here :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was taking it easy it that video because of all the kerbs and skips about, shame i couldnt find a bigger area to p1ss about in :cry: Just uploading the rest of the videos now :wink: