Poorly Pulsar :(



Hi Guys n Gals,

Took to 'R for a 50 odd mile spin up to gatwick the other day, was doing about 80 odd in 5th and I noticed she was starting to stuggle and jump a little bit under slight pressure of the accelorator pedal. I pulled over and turned her off for ten minutes thinking it may have detected det and therefore been in some sort of protection mode.

Started her up after 10 mins, basically the same. I took her home slowly, but the condition worsened! Came to lights and she stalled, then was running really REALLY lumpy.

I decided enough was enough, pulled over and called out the RAC. As you can imagine, they were about as much use as a chocolate tea pot, basically just arranged for a tow home and gave no real advice / answers as to what the problem could be.

From my little car knowledge, it looks to me as though she is majorly over fueling (running extreamely rich, causing the car to stall and also lost of black sooty stuff coming from exhaust if i start her up). There are no engine management lights on the dashboard. I've checked for loose pipes and everything looks fine. She has been regularly service. Oil / Water etc all looking fine.

Please can someone give me some help / advice as to where I can go from here ? Things to check ? Possible causes etc.

I'm basically stuck as I really don't want to drive the car if I can help it, and would really only want to get it towed again if I knew it would be going somewhere that could definately fix my baby.

FYI I am in the Gosport area of Portsmouth.

Please please help me get my baby back on the road.



New Member
Sounds like a fueling issue have you checked the earth on the MAF?? Check that you are still getting a good connection on the MAF plug, undo clean and redo, try that, check the earth voltage (see sticky's and search engine) and go from there.

Have a real good check for splits in the turbo hoses etc, are you still on the tmic or fmic??

good luck, Ant.


Sickboy - I havent done a fault check yet, but i've just read some posts about that so will definately get stuck into that tonight when I get home from work.

Ant - I'll try and have a search around on the board for "engine" and see If I can locate the MAF to check wires etc. I'm running the standard TMIC that sits on top of the rocker. I'm thinking its more electrical that a split hose / I/C though as it doesnt stall / cut out every time (ie its more intermittent thus pointing at a short / faulty electrical componant).

I'll have a search around the board today and will keep you posted.

Thanks for comments.


from Gatwick airport to Portsmouth :) About 60 odd miles on a flat bed lorry.


Staff member
Rac arnt that bad! If its something they cant detect then its got to be serious, they're just there to get you up & running if you've broken down or get you recovered - which they did.

Was it a RAC flat bed or did they contract another recovery agent ?

Fast Guy

Staff member
If the fault code turns nothing up. Check the Maf as suggested above, the o2 sensor may also be faulty and check for boost leaks from any of the hoses.


New Member
hi ya mate where in fareham are you as i am there i could pop over and have a look at her with you sometime soon have you done a fault check i also have technical cd on the pulsar Kev


Likewise, I'm in Pompy and can pop over for a look as well if you like.


Cheers lads, I'm in Gosport (just near to Sultan if you know where that is). I'm actually working in Oxford this week so I won't get to do anything till the weekend. Kev / AJ if you fancy coming to give me a hand that would be wicked - the more the merrier... we'll turn it into a mini 'R meet at my house lol.


Ah yeh, totally forgot about that. Not going myself as i'm broke as a joke.

I'll have a tinker myself this weekend and post up my results.... have a good one in sunny peterborough.:thumbsup:


New Member
i would be at JAE but my pulsar has blown piston saving hard for the rebuild, time to go forged, front mounted & stage 2 ecu new gearbox new coilovers the list goes on so i will be at work all weekend savin the pennies.


Sorry to hear about your misfortunes Kev. If you are about after work over the weekend and fancy a nose at the 'R gimme a shout.