pop and flames

I was just wondering if anybody knows the reason for the odd pop and flame that comes out of my exhaust every now and then? Please don't tell me it's a bad thing cos i like it :twisted:


New Member
a detailed explanation of the reason (copied from elsewhere)

when you decelerate, and you reduce the amount of throttle. This causes an “overrun” – that is, the motors rpm is turning faster than the fuel provided can support, so the motor begins to spool down. This causes a couple of things to happen.

First, when you close the throttle, you are also closing the throttle plates. This reduces the air and fuel flowing into the motor, and increases the vacuum (lowers the pressure). This results in less air and fuel in the cylinder during the power stroke, which in turn results in a lower pressure in the combustion chamber. Remember I said earlier, that the A/F mix burns faster in proportion to the pressure applied? Well, when we reduce pressure this way, the mix burns slower. This results in two things happening.

1. The lower burning fuel generates less heat, and the cooling effect of the non-burning fuel tends to “quench” the flame front, or slow it down even further. Because the mix is burning much slower, the exhaust valve can open before all the fuel is consumed, and the unburnt fuel is ejected into the exhaust.
2. The engine designers, in order to promote smoother idling and better combustion, retard the spark when the throttle is shut, and this results in the mix being lit later.

So, now we end up with unburnt fuel in the exhaust, and burning fuel being ejected into the exhaust, and bang! Backfire. In addition, Honda has added a device called a “programmed air injection valve” (Pair Valve) that actually injects some fresh air into the exhaust to help this process along – since fully burning the fuel results in cleaner exhaust. So the backfiring is not only a normal part of the engines operation, it’s also intentionally amplified by Honda! Of course, normally, the standard pipe Honda hungs on back hides most of the noise, but it’s there, even when you can’t hear it.

So the bottom line, is: That backfiring is perfectly normal and expected. If you’ve just got get rid of it, that’s up to you. You’re entitled to set your motor up the way you want, and your goals are your goals. But don’t refer to it as “fixing” the popping. Rather, the correct way to think of it is “de-tuning a bit to get rid of the popping”.

Fusion Ed

Active Member
On the GTi-R When you throttle off from a high RPM the ECU totally cuts fuel entirely. It doesn't turn back on until around 2000 RPM, or unless load is applied again. During this ignition is held around 10deg, which is roughly where it would be during 3-5000rpm under full load. During mild gear changes however ignition drops to 0 deg but only briefly.
i was thinking while blasting down b roads, it just ads to the drama and fantasy that your colin macrae
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Staff member
HotSnot92 said:
love the flames
That’s just the sort of toss that gives serious car enthusiasts such a bad reputation :twisted: :der:

If you like flames that much your welcome to come and look in amazment and warm your hands on the bonfire in my back garden.