Power Cut?


New Member
:D Hi guy's,this has only happened a couple of times,floor it in third till just over 6k,change to 4th,put foot on accelerator again and its like someone has switched the car off,no revving,no holding back,just nothing :shock: back off again,put my foot down again and she pulls fine again :shock: Any ideas :?:


New Member
look in problem solving m8, there has been 2 or 3 threads about this over the past 6/8 months, ive got this problem, most people seem to think it is the ecu losing the speed signal, possibly a dodgy speedo head, but no-one has ever said that they have solved this problem :? :cry:


New Member
Had the same think happen myself, thought it was rev limiter at first :?
Let us know if you manage to solve it!


New Member
:D Funny you should mention the speed signal,i've got an AVCR and the speed monitor isnt working :shock: I've checked all the wiring and it's fine,so this could be something to do with it :!: I'm down to THOR Racing on Wednesday,so i'll ask them,see if they have any ideas :D I'll let you know how i get on :D

Fast Guy

Staff member
Davey said:
ive got this problem, most people seem to think it is the ecu losing the speed signal, possibly a dodgy speedo head, but no-one has ever said that they have solved this problem :? :cry:
If it's the same problem I have, then if the speedo starts working again, then I can get it to redline in 5th (Dakar box) with no cut, so I reckon it is speed sensing related, wether a faulty delimiter, sensor or whatever.


mine does the same thing and i thaught it was the fuel cut till i read this . my car is still restricted do ya think when it is deristricted it will sort it out :?