Poxy bl**dy coolant hoses.

Fast Guy

Staff member
I've sprung quite a coolant leak today. It looks like the big one with the spring inside it on the rear of the engine.

Having tried getting the smaller one off that's in the way of it, all I can see is fun fun fun:frusty:

Bloody car must have heard me say I was going drag racing at Elvington in October:doh:

Oh well, looks like abit of time off this week and see if I can sort them.:roll:

Fast Guy

Staff member
Yep. Been a year or so this time tho.

At least I have the parts, just need to get the old ones off.:laser:


Active Member
Good luck mate.

I spent 5 hours on Sunday, changing the 6" fuel hose that goes between the fuel tank ard pipe and under car hard pipe at the rear of the car. So, can imagine what a task you're going to have !

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
Fast Guy said:
I've sprung quite a coolant leak today. It looks like the big one with the spring inside it on the rear of the engine.

Having tried getting the smaller one off that's in the way of it, all I can see is fun fun fun:frusty:

Bloody car must have heard me say I was going drag racing at Elvington in October:doh:

Oh well, looks like abit of time off this week and see if I can sort them.:roll:
so glad im not along scuffing knuckles:doh: ;-)

you and your waterpipes seem to have a bit of an affair going on:? :lol:

Fast Guy

Staff member
FFS!! I can see why people take the engine out to do these.
Got the old ones off and I thought that was bad enough. I just can't get the big one with the spring to bend enough to get the other end on, mainly due to the awkward angles I'm trying to work at.:evil:


I told you last night getting the old ones off was the easy part lol.


Fast Guy

Staff member
Just given up for the day:evil:
I'll have a fresh start tomorrow. Might end up taking the plenumn off.
Thought about undoing the metal pipes the hose goes onto. What's holding it on, is it more than just the bolts behind the thermostat housing?


Active Member
apart from the two bolts on the thermostat housing there's a bolt at the back of the head on the pass side that needs to be removed.

Take the manifold off, you know you want to.:lol:

Fast Guy

Staff member
No I don't:p

I thought about undoing those pipes and moving them to the side an inch or 2, that may give me enough room to get the hose on.


Active Member
whole manifold, shouldn't take more than 45 mins if you're going slow

the bolt is on the passenger end of the head, obviously at the back of the head, you won't see it from the side.

EDIT, i'd take a pic but the engine is at work....and i'm not.

Fast Guy

Staff member
Plan B
Can I achieve the same affect by undoing that one bolt and the thermostat housing mounting bolts? That would save me having to break the seal on the back of the housing. Knowing my luck, I'd get it all back together and it would be the first thing to leak


unlucky m8 I just had to do this job but I just dropped the engine, makes the job a whole lot easier to do. Also think about replacing the standard Nissan pipe clips with descent jubilee clips.


Active Member
infact, the best thing to do would be to remove the manifold and replace all the water pipes cos once one has gone i wouldn't like to bet on the others not leaking...esp if they're still original....and it's easier to do em all than do essentially the same job again and again etc

Fast Guy

Staff member
I'm already going bald, so grey's not a problem.:lol:

I couldn't get the bolt mentioned above to budge.It was a damn site tighter than it should have been and I couldn't get enough leverage on my 1/4" drive handle, even with a makeshift extension.

These hoses are a p*** take, you lube them up to allow you to manouvre them when you get them on the pipe and they seem to seize solid 1nanosecond after you put them on, so you can't rotate them, take them back off or anything else:evil:

I eventually got the springy hose on and realised that one is setting you up for the kick in the nuts which is smaller one. Given that there was barely enough room to get the back one on between the metal pipes, I put the smaller one on the right hand pipe all the way and then when I got the other end on, it was too short to go over the swage line and do the clip up. Would the hose slide 1" towards the other pipe, would it fook. It is absolutely solid despite being lubed up. I'm starting to think that rubber grease is superglue in disguise.
Oh well, last go tomorrow, then it's petrol and matches:lol:

Top tip to anyone wanting to do these hoses. Drop the engine, it'll be a damn site easier.
If there's a next time, I might drop the manifold, when I have more time. There's no way I'm going to do it in 45mins the first time, I expect there's loads of stuff hiding underneath that you need to fanny around with too.
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