problem with hose



hello with all,

my GtiR is almost finished... on the other hand I have a concern with a hose connection.

I does not remember any more, if this hose connection were connected or not at the time of disassembling...

this hose connection is strange... it is pierced with 4 holes... and a reducer is has the interior...

and there is a fast fastener with the end... as if it were connected on something. All the remainder is ok, but I have a doubt on this subject. thank you for your assistance.




Active Member
It plugs over the lug that the Idle Adjust screw is in.

I really don't know what the purpose is for it - except to make it harder to get to the screw.

I dropped mine down the back of the engine somewhere and haven't seen it for several months :oops: It has made no difference to the running of the car at all.

I'm sure someone knows why it is on there :)

GeeTee 8)


Active Member
I believe the purpose of it is to make access to the idle adjustment screw easier. As, it provides a guide for a screw driver. Other than this and protecting the idle screw, it serves no other purpose. If you don't like it, bin it :D