Pulsars getting broken



Im noticing more and more getting broken every day.

Its ridiculous, in the good old days people would get an earful for breaking a perfectly driveable car.

I know the prices have come down and that they are worth a bit in parts but wheres your enthusiam gone? Would you not prefer to see someone else drive the car rather then making a quick buck..?

Rant over!


New Member
ther is so many pulsars in the uk now when u go & sell ther worth peanuts ,so if u work it out if u get 4k for selling then u think 2 your self i can get near 6k breaking what else u going to do


beastgtir said:
Im noticing more and more getting broken every day.

Its ridiculous, in the good old days people would get an earful for breaking a perfectly driveable car.

I know the prices have come down and that they are worth a bit in parts but wheres your enthusiam gone? Would you not prefer to see someone else drive the car rather then making a quick buck..?

Rant over!

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: no!
rid the world of these beastly little chav mobiles, then my one will be worth a fortune:lol: :lol:


New Member
spot on bob thats why ther worth sod all as ther is to many runing around evenn the old school scoobys are going for more money theses days its geting to be a joke


Still nowhere as common as a subaru or mits, Sometimes you have to take a loss..
You never make your money back on mods.


in actual fact a standard car is not worth more in spares;-)

if i buy one for a grand thats standard, then i will struggle to get a profit on that car, by the time ive collected from all over the country, storage, stripping, postage etc, a standard car with a good engine and box will struggle to fetch more than 2k in parts, then take out all the overheads and see what your left with (not a lot):sad:

the only ones you make any profit on are those with aftermarket goodies.

but its getting increasingly more difficult to break a car and get your money back as the prices on s/h spares has dropped considerably.

you would be amazed how much stuff from a standard car that you CANT sell.

so to sum it all up, i dont think it will be long before the likes of me and others that break these cars, can no longer afford to do so.
which will mean more cars flooding the market, and an even bigger decline in value:shock:

but the rebuilt good engines and boxes will always sell, as lets face it, 'there always gonna break'


Keep Up The Good Work Blobster :thumbsup: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .



New Member
Odin said:
Keep Up The Good Work Blobster :thumbsup: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .

its not when iam i selling my car these days its when am i breaking it,why dont we do away with the forsale section & change it to am breaking my car section:lol: :lol: odin when u breaking yours mate

Fire & skill

Vintage member
on a serious note - ive been looking for a new R for quite some time now, there is hardly any left. check autotrader, you will see there is only 24 for sale in the whole UK. the prices are slowly starting to creep up after hitting an all time low just a few months back. i paid 6k for my first R. as the supply drops off the bigger powered cars will be more desireable and will be worth a bit more.

times are changing - i guarantee you in 12 months time it will be different


Who started all this anyway.
It has caused me to sell one and break two as it seemed like a good idea and i made more money back lol.
Lets blame someone.....
gti-r spares lol......sorry Garry, your name just came in my head first....


Active Member
i remember when i broke my first car 3-4 years ago i sold everything and got over 200 quid for bonnet etc now its giving stuff away


ashills said:
i remember when i broke my first car 3-4 years ago i sold everything and got over 200 quid for bonnet etc now its giving stuff away

yeap i more or lest gave some parts away at stupid prices.... apexi safc blue screen £60 fooking squid....


Active Member
wonder how many are left in japan that will be heading over to uk (can you still import gtir's to uk ?)