

New Member
Hi all, as im only a 5minute drive from quaife i popped in there this morning to chat about prices for boxes. Now they dont actually do a complete box but they rebuild your orginal. this costs £1695+vat =1997.50, however 3 were brought they would knock 10% off and if 5 were brought then it would be 20% which would = £1600 inclusive of vat now i know im not a paid member yet so not gonna try and organise a group buy but if someone wanted to do it ive done the ground work and you would already have one sold.(meeeeeeeeee)


New Member
Do you know if that includes the cost of new parts for your box or is that on top?

If you need full parts i.e. selector folks, bork rings, bearings, seals, etc then it could cost another £1K on top of your £1600!

Just bear that in mind.


New Member
no they do re-use the selector forks as these are not normally a problem, so yes any thing that is need would be on top, he is emailing me a full list of wots supplied today, so once i get that i will post it up.


You will need bearing's and syncro's at the very least I'd of thought, Bearing will be at least £300 plus another £200 labour for building it, It normally comes in at about £3400-£3600 for a fully built Quaife gearbox matey.

But you may like you say get away with it being a little cheaper, I'd like to know that the whole thing was new myself.



New Member
they said they will put it in your box for you for £120. but like you say you may need this stuff, im not gonna pretend i really know wot im talking about. All i know is i want a box and wot is costs i will pay.


Active Member
bopper said:
they said they will put it in your box for you for £120. but like you say you may need this stuff, im not gonna pretend i really know wot im talking about. All i know is i want a box and wot is costs i will pay.

Listen to thunder gods wise words mate, he is the proud owner of a fully built quafie box.;-)


New Member
bopper said:
no they do re-use the selector forks as these are not normally a problem, so yes any thing that is need would be on top, he is emailing me a full list of wots supplied today, so once i get that i will post it up.
3 to 4 selector can be a weak link.


New Member
When you do re-buld the box buy PPG selector forks instead of using standard Nissan ones. Will add a bit onto the final price but will be worth it.



New Member
so wots the difference between SYNCHROMESH and DOG CHANGE and would it not be better to get a complete PAR box instead of the quaife?


bopper said:
so what's the difference between SYNCHROMESH and DOG CHANGE and would it not be better to get a complete PAR box instead of the quaife?
A lot of people who have had par gear sets have had a lot of problems with them mate, But on the other hand the Aussie's swear by them.

If you go for a Par gear set then you need to find a really good gear box builder like Bernie the gearbox man, He's trying to sort my mate's par box out at the moment after ADR fu*ked it up :doh: .

So you have 3 option's really go for a Quaife or choose PPG/PAR its up to you mate, Just do your research.

Full dog box has no syncro's and will only be any good on the strip, You would need to learn a whole new way of driving and changing gear , They do a half dog box as well which just has first and second gear with no syncro's, So you could drive pretty normal from 3rd gear onwards.


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bopper said:
fuk this is getting complicated, i just want a gearbox

Nothing's ever easy on a gti-r mate, and the sooner you learn that the better :doh: .



New Member
yer i guess, i think i will go for the quaife, probably for the simple reason i only live 5mins from them