R useage


New Member
how much doe's everyone use thier R i looked this morning as done a service.oil,filter,brakes,checked diff,transfer box and gear box oil.and found that since i brought the car on 20/11/2007 till today i've done a mere 523miles..

so how much do you use your's????8)


New Member
probably the same with most people because of the problems we all get :lol::roll: :lol:
not to mention the running costs:twisted:
mine hasnt been used for the last couple of months as my insurance ran out and ive been putting all my dosh into my new flat! cant wait till the girlfriend starts full time work.
said she will buy me a forged engine!!!:-D


New Member
just i got a pug 306 diesel so i use that most of the time just its last car in 1 st out so easyer


New Member
R usage

i use my R mostly at weekends , its for sale now tho looking for a change , see pistonheads J219 DAP ;)


I have a works van so not to much unless I'm needing to go anywhere in the evening or nights, only done bout 2500 miles since start of October.


i used mine every day 4 a year but not moved 4 6 months due 2 being banned:doh:


New Member
I use mine everyday. Thats probably 10k a year. I have had two now and none have let me down, yet anyway.


Active Member
I use mine everyday...... as a garden ornament, chicks love laughing at it . Bitches, although they all want it when its running.

no free ride ass or gas .

Think i have done less than 500ks since owning :lol: :lol: :lol: knowing that sucks balls.