
geoff pine

Well-Known Member
Its a good radiator but takes up a lot of room do a search for[ uprated radiators ]as theres a few theads on this subject that will help you . :thumbsup:


I have the same rad in my motor and its brilliant if you ask me fella, I never get any over heating problems now at all, You will probably have to change to just one fan on the passenger side or front mount the other one.

What I've done at the moment was to just run the one fan which keeps it plenty cool enough if it ever goes on that is lol, But my plan for after my rebuild it to run a 11" slimline fan on the front and a new 9" slimline fan on the passenger side, They only cost about £60 a pop so its not that expensive and are easy to fit.

But you would be able to buy you're self a nice all copper rad twice the size of the standard one for about £120-£140 all in new from absolute radiators in the states, And that's probably the best option for you fella.



Staff member
Thunder God said:
copper rad twice the size of the standard one for about £120-£140 all in new from absolute radiators
On a purley practicle (go not show) front the copper rad is probaly the best option as I think you will be able to keep the stock fans in the OEM position but if you want the bling then spend the extra £ and get the Ali one.


New Member
There is a compy I use to repair ships radiators and they quoted me £150 for a new one made from copper but to check on an Ali one.



New Member
thanks guys rob suggested absolute last week for a copper core rad so i think i will stick to that one, once again thanks alot for your input:thumbsup: