

New Member
I am maybe looking to get my R remapped, at the moment it is running 317 bhp and 299lb/ft @ 1.2 bar
with a stage 1 Turbo Technics turbo.
Do people think it is worth spending the money on trying to squeeze out some more or leave be?? Also I have the Helix Organic Clutch rated at 309 lb/ft can these take much more or is that the limit?

Any advice is much appreciated.



Fusion Ed

Active Member
At that boost your on the limits of the stock injectors and afm. (depending on other mods) Some leave it some don't. Its upto you really, if your never likely to want any more you may be ok.


Active Member

you might have mentioned the fact that you've got one and the Z32 and injectors in your first post. :doh: because everyone will have assumed you have a standard car.


Staff member
Have you bought this car off someone else? Considering your car's spec it a bit of a noob question?

Your spec is limited by your turbo, your fueling could be pushed above 350hp. If your turbo is a T28 type you will struggle to get to 350hp anyway. So what you're asking is can the clutch take 340-350hp... which is the sensible limit of your turbo/fuel setup.

My question to you is why spend so much on a car only to run it at a level that can be achieved on a standard car with a clutch, Dawes Device, exhaust and filter?

Only you can answer that.

Who did your map the first time? Were they limited by the clutch which is why they only went to 1.2 Bar?


New Member
No it has been my car for some time not a noob question,
I had it rebuilt as I melted a ring land last year and could'nt see the point of rebuilding with overpriced Nissan parts so went with HKS pistons etc..
I just wanted to see if would be beneficial to have it remapped
as when it was originally mapped the car had only done 2.5k since rebuild
and now has done over 5k miles and was thinking of remapping but was'nt sure
on whether too or not as the clucth is rated at 309lb/ft and I am near that now!
The car was originally mapped by Tuning Japanese!! I don't think they were limited by the clutch maybe limited
because the engine had only just been run in.
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Staff member
Once an engine is run in then its run in and its not a limitation to the map. You car won't start to suck in more air now you've done 5K miles.

Your clutch might be a limitation but I've got no personal experience of the Helix so couldn't say. It might wear out tomorrow though irrespective of the torque. I'd be surprised if any supplier quality checks their parts to 309 lb/ft rather than 320 or 300. Its dependant a lot on the usage and load (gear/big wheels etc).

So is your clutch capable of giving an extra 20%, who knows, only one way to find out.

Is it worth spending more money for more power, your call. Nothing wrong with 320hp at 1.2Bar. If you're going for a re-map to 1.4Bar, is it worthwhile making any other mods before you do it like a 3" elbow or even swap the turbo?

Nothing wrong with 320hp though, its your call


New Member
The sensible side of me says leave it as it is for reliability etc..
Then on the other hand the power bug gets the better!


New Member
STUMO.....i just cant get over the support you seem to just lovingly give out to your fella members.......its almost....saintly:shock: ....;-)


New Member
mattytappy said:
STUMO.....i just cant get over the support you seem to just lovingly give out to your fella members.......its almost....saintly:shock: ....;-)
Yeah he's a real credit to the club :blah: