RE Trim of OE Steering Wheel


New Member
As in title, has anyone had their steering wheel (OE Type) re trimmed, if so where and how much was it please?

Many thanks,



Active Member
I'd be interesred to know this too.

I currently have a Tomei steering wheel that came with the car but, I'd like to stick an OE one back on it. All the ones I've seen for sale though, are normally in a sorry start.



New Member
Plus over priced. Would rather send mine for re trim than end up with another half worn one, already have two lol.



New Member
Dont do it. The standard wheel compared to a sparco or similar is just crap. Get a different wheel.


New Member
I must admit i was lookking at the OMP ones, however the price of them and then the boss kit required is huge. Not good when it is likely you will bend the shit out of it in frustration lol :lol:



Active Member
I really like the suede wheels that OMP and Sparco etc make. I've already got the boss so, that could be a viable alternative for me.....

Still, I do like the OE steering wheel.


Staff member
Ant I've got a Momo Millenium and air race gearknob from my old MR2 that has been hanging around. The Boss might be the same between Toyota and Nissan. Have a look when you come over. I need to start clearing out all my old bits :doh:


New Member
I have a suede sparco job on my Punto GT, was nice when I got it, but it's now all shiny in places and not very nice, tiny black bits come off it and stick to my hands.

I have a dirt cheap OMP job on the R, and I love it, was only about £35 from Demon Thiefs, 330mm, vinyl finish.

Found the OE R wheel to be a bit big for me, even with the steering column as high as it will go the wheel was still hitting my knees (I'm 6ft 3 and like to sit quite close to the wheel)


New Member
If anyone knows of locations for re triming OE steering wheels please post up, at least then it gives others the option to choose between the oe wheel and aftermarket wheel.




I bought a UK wheel for mine, but ended up using a momo partial suede one I had.

In time I'll go for a full suede with dish. Only trouble is the suede doesn't last long on a road car.


Staff member
So I'm guessing no one knows where to get the OE steering wheel re trimmed then :roll: :lol:


New Member
Aimee said:
So I'm guessing no one knows where to get the OE steering wheel re trimmed then :roll: :lol:
I know a few places but it won't be cheap.

It would be cheaper to buy a new aftermarket steering wheel.


Just personal preference, but the aftermarket momo wheel I have in my car is alot closer to the signals and wipers switches. Feels way out in left field when I drive a friend's R with the OE wheel, have to reach twice as far.


New Member
CanadianR said:
Just personal preference, but the aftermarket momo wheel I have in my car is alot closer to the signals and wipers switches. Feels way out in left field when I drive a friend's R with the OE wheel, have to reach twice as far.
You must have short fingers lol:p :lol: ;-)

Andy post up the details if you dont mind.

Cant see it being more expensive than buying a new aftermarket wheel for close to £100 then the boss kit on top ;-)




New Member
antgtir said:
Andy post up the details if you dont mind.

Cant see it being more expensive than buying a new aftermarket wheel for close to £100 then the boss kit on top ;-)
For what Paul Fisher charges per hour I would not hold your breath. How else do you think he drives a Ferrair at 25. He's the bloke who turned up at Mascrat and "scratched" his Ferrair :doh:


New Member
Is he some form of trimming god like person then to charge enough to pay for toy's like a Ferrari?

Only want the wheel re leathering not the whole interior lol :lol:

If you know of anyone else, let me know mate.




Ive got a wheel. Its like new. If you want it you can have it, just cover the postage.

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New Member
Beachsleeper said:
Ive got a wheel. Its like new. If you want it you can have it, just cover the postage.

That would be great mate. If you can let me know how much the postage is ill get the £ to you via Paypal if thats acceptable?

Many thanks,

Ant.8) ;-)