Re-wiring front speakers



I'm looking to re-wire the front R speakers, but how do I go about doing it?

How do I get to the wire bit of the car I want to use the existing "door hole" if possible. Anyone got any tips etc?



Active Member
I was thinking about this the other day, as the standard factory connection is shit.

Only thing I could come up with was tying a piece of string to the end of the wire (at the door hole) and yanking the old wire from the back of the headunit - that way you'd then be able to attach the new wire to the strigng and yank it back through the speaker hole.

The theory sounds possible, its whether it would work in a car - and more than that, a pulsar :lol:



id just attach your new wire to the old one best u can and yank it thru, should work ok as long as its not stuck newahere.


You can just run new cables from spkrs to hu - just take the easiest route you can, tucking it neatly up under the dash. You can just about feed new cable through the door hole/rubber hose thingy too.

I did this and left the old cable in, hassle to remove it - I don't think dragging it through will work.


cut off the plug from the old wiring and solder the wires to the new wiring. Wrap a bit of tape around it and pull it through. That way the cable stays nice and smooth and wont catch on anything.


Someone was telling me that doing the RHS door is fine, but the LHS loom is complicated due to brackets in the way...


Active Member
CruiseGTi-R said:
You can just run new cables from spkrs to hu - just take the easiest route you can, tucking it neatly up under the dash. You can just about feed new cable through the door hole/rubber hose thingy too.

I did this and left the old cable in, hassle to remove it - I don't think dragging it through will work.
Totally agree with you matey. Don't faff around trying to remove the old cables. You'll end up butchering the whole loom and it'll take forever. Just feed a decent piece of OFC cable from the head unit, along the underside of the dash and through the rubber corregated grommet between the door and body. Then, solder the new cable to the speaker terminals, observing polarity. Bob's your uncle.

I've done this on numerous cars (used to do car stereo installs on the side, when I was younger) and it works a treat. In fact, I might have a go at doing mine. After removing the subwoofer and Jap parcel shelf speakers, anything to improve the sound would be good !


Don't solder the cable to the speaker terminals, use a connector - makes it feck loads easier if you need to remove them for any reason!
I had mine Dynamat'd and it made a big difference too IMO, worth the investment if you like your choons.


Active Member
deslynam said:
Don't solder the cable to the speaker terminals, use a connector - makes it feck loads easier if you need to remove them for any reason!
Tis true but, I always solder my speaker cables to the speaker terminals. Makes a much better connection. You could always leave enough cable slack, to allow door panel removal ?!


i ran new wire though my doors, its a bit of a fiddley job but it can go though the origonal gromet, i did it using a pice of house single core wire, for regitity and lots of wd40 for lube