Reckon I Have A Problem?


Active Member
Hello again ppl
Got a quick question about my R if i rev it to about 6000rpm let it drop to about 1000-1500 then floor the bugger (not in any gears )the revs stay at about 2000rpm and spits fooking huge yellowie blue flames out the bk:thumbsup: but the rpm gauge shoots round to 7500rpm but it is staying at 2000rpm , its gud fun:lol: and i really like doing it but should i be worried at all?

It has got a slight missfire but i cant help myself from doing it.
Does everyones R spit flames everytime you lay off the throttle at about 3500rpm in any gear ??
my old scooby sti only ever spat flames before the turbo died on it :oops:
she is booked in the garage on monday to see whats up with the car but thought id see if anyone elses car does this ?



Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
MORF114 said:
the rpm gauge shoots round to 7500rpm but it is staying at 2000rpm , its gud fun:lol: and i really like doing it but should i be worried at all?


um....d' you know what? i didn' t understand a ****ing word of that:lol:


Active Member
Dooie Pop Pop said:
um....d' you know what? i didn' t understand a ****ing word of that:lol:
the rev counter shows 7500rpm but the engine is actually only at 2000rpm .


Active Member
rev counter is fine i cant explain it more than the rev counter rises but the engine doesnt do as many revolutions as much as the rev counter would suggest. rev counter always works fine except in this situation. normally works fine,
Has only happened a few times when it hesitates and i floor it was revving it outside work on friday night after a few beers and it had a slight hesitation so i floored it and it stayed hesitating at around 2000-3000 rpm sounded like that much !!!but rev counter shot round to 7500rpm shift light comes on at 6700rpm and it was spitting big bluie yellow flames out bk. probably blow up soon !!!
getting cams changed on monday cos the guy at garage reckons the guy who owned it before me did a crap regrind on the cams and fooked them a bit.
dont matter just a process of elimination gives me something to do and get pisssed off at.

its all gud fun till it goes pop.


New Member
I would be worried about your shells (Big ends and mains) if your revingi it that hard and redling will be bye bye crank!


Active Member
i was wondering what that noise was !!!!thought it might be loose alt bolt !!!
only really rev it to 6700rpm when shift light comes on, traffic in auckland is like london so dont really get to thrash it that much hardley ever get to go over 80kph have the occasional 180+kph blast
As to redlining it the rev counter shoots to 7500rpm but revs actually stay around 2-3000rpm engine isnt at 7500rpm the rev counter is, the engine is at around 2-3000rpm by the sound of the engine. only happened a few times think it must just be one of those things or i need new eyes.
The engine hardley ever goes to redline, maybe once a blue moon no power there i fear the thing may blow soon as its running a bit shite at the moment oh well think i might go out now and try blow it up get it over and done with!!