Recommend a good battery?


New Member
Ive done the battery to boot conversion and i think as far as starting the car goes its pants! i had a small battery at first which was 250 amps and when it was under the bonnet it would start the car quickly!

when it was in the boot of the car it was crap, took a good 5 seconds of key turning and worrying before it started the engine. Then it went dead after a few weeks.

now i have a medium sized sound system and i also have my laptop plugged in alot, so im wondering if anyone can reccomend a good battery, i dont mind spending a few bucks, but i need it to have good cranking power and will also take alot of power usage.

i just dont understand wether i should be getting a deep cycle with high ampage or not!

links would be very much appreciated!

thanks in advance. :)


I run a 940 amp hour diesel battery as well, And I have no trouble with starting the car at all, I'd also make sure you have a good earth on the battery as well, because that could cause you problems if you don't.....



New Member
just any decent diesal car battery will do the job mate. mine uses a mondeo diesal battery in the back. as rob says make sure the earths are top notch or expect problems.



New Member
right cheers guys, il double check my earth when i go home, i think that might also be a bit on the weak side!


New Member
DMS red top 30 if you can stretch to it mate, fully sealed, massive cranking power, and neat m6 terminals. Ill send you a pic of mine if your interested.

About £150 though!



Active Member
You don't need to go too overboard. Something like the one Rob's got would be more than man enough. You could turn over pretty much anything with that. Just make sure all your cables are up to the job and that your connections are good !

Don't forget, the bigger the battery, the more it'll weigh !

Halfords have a good range and, they're pretty good value. All their batteries are made by Yuasa iirc which, is a long established battery manufacturer. Plus, most come with a 3 year or even 5 year warranty !


Champion, just went out and bought a ford transit 600amp diesel battery, spot on, started 1st time, plus the battery fits in the plastic battery container in my boot, so no fannying on there then!:thumbsup:

p.s 3 year warranty too.