Relocating Front REG Plate.


New Member
Hey guys, sorry if this has been covered before, but i gave it a quick search and i cant see it. (if u can link me it would be much appreciated)

Could anyone tell me how i relocate my front reggy to the left of the bumper (looking at it from the front) now im guessing this is a pretty simple job and feel a bit silly asking but, is it easy to do without having to drill holes or damaging the bumper etc? other than that im thinking tie wraps (messy?) or some kind of adhesive, but would that stand up to the weather and agitation?

thanks in advance for the help guys.

Fast Guy

Staff member
2 self tapping screws, job done. :wink:

It'll make 2 small holes, which you won't see if you don't remove your number plate. :p


New Member
thanks very much mate, just wasnt sure if drilling directly into the bumper was the general way to go


New Member
mine has some of them double sided pads on it, the things for the rear view mirror work very well.


New Member
bought a few strips of the double sided pads, i just couldnt bring my self to drill a screw into my lovely wee bumper :(

thanks for the advice guys, it was much appreciated.