Remap or Not??


New Member
Had my car (unichip) mapped a couple of weeks ago, but it didn't make the power expected, so was told to do a leakage check, check the compression etc.

Found out that it used to have uprated cams and pulleys in, but were taken out and standard ones put in on the same setting. :evil:

This aint no dig at you lee as i'm sure it was Mr Cavanagh who took them out.

Know had the cams timed up and found out they were two teeth out on the pulleys :shock: , hence the lack of power. Still ran 306bhp tho :wink: .

Anyway, will i need a remap or not, coz i dont wanna start nailing it about only to find out the hard way that it needed mapping.




Active Member
just to be on safe side have them connect thier laptop to the unichip and see if the igntion need adjusting, 306 seem rather down on 400 bhp car.
removal of the cam should give on 20-30 bhp less .



New Member
I was told by a certain tuner that depending on how many teeth it is out by, it could be down about 50-80bhp, but dont know if its true tho :? .

But adding uprated cams & pulleys to an R engine adds 20-30bhp, if they are adjusted right.

But it ran 306 on low boost, doesn't seem that low to me.


fook :shock: i didnt even think it would run 2 teeth out, ive done cambelts (in my early years :wink: ) that have been 1 tooth out and have been undrievable


New Member
Well, it was 1 tooth out on the ex and 1 and a half teeth out on the in.

It did struggle to idle, and always stalled.

But hopefully its back on the road tomorrow and i'll see if it runs better. If i get some millers that is. :D