rotorstock update


Active Member
just spoke to si and dooie
si has a leak on gearbox seal so maybe making clutch slip not to sure yet
dooie has done a 11.7 at 121 and still couldnt get traction in 2nd theyve been gluing track so hopefully he will get quicker as day goes on
good job fast guy didnt go and race dooie LOL
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Still waiting on some shims!
OUCH!... Gotta feel for the guy... At least he escaped unhurt!...



well done dooie on the 11.7 run mate by the looks of your termineal theres more in it keep up the good work

hope si sorts his car out as its a very capable car and should put in some cood times

got to fell sorry for that rx7 but atlest he was unhurt thats the main thing

Fast Guy

Staff member
I knew Dooie would get an 11 there no problem.:thumbsup:

I'd like to have see OOsids time tho for comparison.
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Active Member
si has just done a 11.5 at 121 aswell but think thats gonnna be his last run of the day as hes worried about the leak


very inpresive time si its just a shame about the problems with the car

its going to be a intresting year i think for the pulsar
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Still waiting on some shims!
Well done to both Si and Stu for representing and helping to raise the profile of the GTiR with some impressive times... :thumbsup:



Still waiting on some shims!
So what were the final times...? Did either better their times of 11.7 and 11.5...?



cheers guys,

it was a good turn out considering the crappy weather, well done stu for hitting the 11s, and im quite pleased with my times, every time i run i get better just need to sort out the oil leak looks like the main input shalf seal ,the bellhousing was full of oil,

didint beat an 11.5, but both me and stu should have got into the eliminators but missed out becauce they took our first run of the day as a qualifer.

nevermind still had fun.

Fast Guy

Staff member
00sid said:
both me and stu should have got into the eliminators but missed out becauce they took our first run of the day as a qualifer.

nevermind still had fun.
They obviously didn't want the Gtirs in there. Last year it was just the fastest 32.

Fusion Ed

Result on the times! Its great to see the results of Stu's car now coming through. Well done Si as well!

Fast Guy

Staff member
ashills said:
good job fast guy didnt go and race dooie LOL
Just noticed that:doh:

I'd have had him upto the 330ft point at least:lol: (going by my 12.4 timeslip)

Fast Guy

Staff member
00sid said:
didint beat an 11.5, but both me and stu should have got into the eliminators but missed out becauce they took our first run of the day as a qualifer.
Cut off for qualifying was 12mid day on the monday. Did either of you get your times in before that?

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
Fusion Ed said:
Result on the times! Its great to see the results of Stu's car now coming through. Well done Si as well!
i couldn' t have done it without the help iv had from Allen and yourself, cheers guys8)

im not sure what time was the qualifying cutoff we were having trouble hearing the speakers over some of the cars:lol: your probably right though at 12noon as racing didn' t start till gone 11am:doh: a marshall come and asked me if i had qualified as he reckoned i had:? after checking his sheet we found i was the fastest NON:)doh: ) qualifier being .05 secs away from the cutoff:roll: :oops: :lol: bit gutting but no-one actually raced due to the poor weather:rain:the timing board got a water leak and died on sunday and went unfixed for mondays show:evil:

besides i dont think there were 32 cars actually running:lol: anyway Si and i put in a good show for the Pulsar posse, only thing i am peeved (lol) about is that a certain someone got sorted his flashy stickers and logo' d sweatshirt....and i didn' t:boink: just cos my cars a shed compared to his:roll: :lol:

Si had no problems with the scrutineers over his exhaust exiting in-front of the ds wheel btw, they seemed more concerned about his wobbly expansion tank lol:lol: after giving his car a going over they left mine almost completely alone:shock: :lol:

would have liked to run using a little less revs but due to the weather didn' t get a chance to experiment. new tyres dropped to 20psi and im still spinning them up like a goodun:doh: didn' t manage to get my car lowered in time either so its obvious i can squeeze some more out of the old girl yet was chuffed to be beating Si after the first run but considering how much his car has been lightened and his spec i think i did really well tbh....once again same terminal speed8) i think if i stripped mine properly, emptied my poxy washer bottle (keep forgetting, its full!) got some decent shocks/ bushes and fitted the anti-dive/lift kit iv had for a year id be giving Si something to worry about:lol: still pretty good going for a road spec car imo:-D :-D :-D

Saw Max who came along despite his car giving him gip and i believe a certain blue, twin exhausted R was there (with Carl in tow maybe?) but i missed him saw another blackun parked in the pits, L plate iirc didn' t see the driver.

most of the RX' s that i saw were running 13' s along with most of the other cars and once again traction was a real issue with everyone. iv got to admit despite the farmer guiles way the whole thing was organised and ran i actually preferred it to the pod. i got told off for smoking in the que:oops::lol:

last thing that i noticed was the way they run the start lights at SC compared to the pod, iv got so used to the way SP run the lights it was really weird watching the tree count down properly and difficult to get the revs right without dropping:oops: i think my first launch was at about 6500rpm:doh: :lol: i ran two 2second 60ft times due to wheel-spin so a 1.8sec dead 60ft time should see me under 11.5 if im lucky:p any R owner could run those times with £1800 worth of bolt-ons and a bit of mapping:thumbsup: add some laughing gas and your well away;-)


11.77 timesheet

its my shed lol

rather poor quality vid of me trashing a gts, see timesheet

another poor vid...Si against a crx on drag tyres iirc, hear that launch control lol

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