
Right chaps now as many of you may know i am not the most mechanically minded person in the world (probably not the best idea when owning an R but what the hey).

Now as i look at my engine bay standing in front of the car, in the left hand corner at the front of the car there is a bottle with a lovely yellow cap on it. I believe that this is the collent tank, am i correct?

If so then yeh, what a clever boy i am, if not then what is it?

Whatever it is it is running a little bit on the low side. What do i top it up with? Water?

Spanks for the help


PaddyPower said:
Now as i look at my engine bay standing in front of the car, in the left hand corner at the front of the car there is a bottle with a lovely yellow cap on it. I believe that this is the collent tank, am i correct?
not having seen in my engine bay for quite some time,i'd hazard a guess at it being the expansion tank/bottle.there should be a little hose from the rad to the bottle if my guess is right.

this is for when the coolant gets a bit hot and expands,the excess can go somewhere ie the bottle/tank.don't think there should be anything in there until it gets hot but could be wrong :wink:

isn't the windscreen washer bottle around that area as well :?:

Fast Guy

Staff member
If it looks like the item below my battery it's the expsansion tank. The only other thing in that area (on your car) will be the washer reservoir coming out of the bodywork.


Well-Known Member
oap-r said:
PaddyPower said:
its dark outside at the moment.
go get a torch you lightweight :wink: :lol:
Yeah Paddy you poof :lol:

I put my engine back in when it was dark :wink:

I usually keep the level in this tank somewhere between the min and max marks and top it up with a mixture of water and antifreeze.


But i am scared of the dark and it is cold outside too?


Still waiting on some shims!
The Expansion Tank is the one with the Yellow Cap on it... Thats the one you are looking at!... :wink:

Further over is the Washer Bottle... It has a larger clear cap...



Yellow cap but it has a max min mark on it and it is nearly at min? :shock:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
PaddyPower said:
Yellow cap but it has a max min mark on it and it is nearly at min? :shock:
you dont look under your bonnet much do you? :lol: :lol: as long as its between the two its ok, have you changed your coolant at all?


Active Member
Buy some coolant and some distilled or deionised water, the instructions on the back of the coolant will tell you how much to dilute it for the temperatures you expect.

Usually it's about half and half but read the label. I always dilute it as instructed to -20 deg C. Never going to get that cold in the UK but it also increases the concentration of anti-corrosion additives.

GeeTee 8)


Dooie Pop Pop said:
you dont look under your bonnet much do you? :lol: :lol: as long as its between the two its ok, have you changed your coolant at all?
Actually yes i do look under my bonet quite regularly, but only at things that i know about, i am not one of these w@nklers who thinks they know everything about anything! I am not a mechanic by a long shot and as a result i come on here to ask for advise so that i can have the cars that i want and hopefuly not damage them in the process.

It is between the two yes, but it is neasring the low side and no i have not changed the coolent at all yet. should i have?

Please cut out the smart arsed comments as it doesnt suit you.

Fast Guy

Staff member
PaddyPower said:
its on the LEFT HAND SIDE
You didn't look at my picture did you? My expansion tank is on the right hand side because of my front mount piping. I know yours will be on the other side, but you could have identified the exspansion tank from the picture without having to have gone outside :wink:


:oops: Just seen the picture :oops: Yes that is it. What do i filll it with and if its an expansion tank, whyu is it running low?

Fast Guy

Staff member
Well, when did you last check it? It might always have been at that level and so not running low as such. Just top it up with some antifreeze as suggested and keep an eye on it :wink: