seeking info


New Member
i also blew my old engine so i now have in a new engine which redlines on the stand still but wouldn't go pass 4000rmp on the run what might be the problem?


Active Member
lots of things can be wrong.

you only need a few horsepower to redline an engine with no load on it..whereas you need to make lots of HP to make it go over 4k on the road.


Active Member
I know when I was looking for an R i went to see a right shitbox, it was in limp mode or something simular, its would rev up freely but when driving it wouldnt go much past 3-4k and jumped about and sounded very ill, it also over heated tremedously and advertised as no rust and it had more rust than metal


Active Member
I would check all hoses are attached and secure, could be something as simple as this especially after you have just put in a new engine.


New Member
hey guys,

when i first got my R 3 months ago it was very rapid and reved up freely, then i developed a massive misfire under full boost.

Replaced the leads and plugs and the misfire has now gone, however, the throttle response dosent seem to be as crisp and the engine not as free reving:?. is it possible the car has gone into some type of safer mode????. how would I check this? ay pics or info much appreciated.




New Member
ok cool . i will check all the hoses and make sure i have no leakage . it also flatters when i apply the 1bar loop. i think this is because of the poor fuel we get in our country its only 87% octaine