setting up my power fc


any ideas or instructions would be useful basically i have a company that will map it for 300 but i would rather work it out myself!! (i also have the comander) dont want to do the wrong thing though and damage my engine any info you guys might have would be very very helpful.. thank you


New Member
well if u deside to map ityour sell that will be the wrong thing & you may hav to buy a new engine ,get it maped with people who no what there doing or it will cost alot more in the long run


Active Member
As above, unless you have the specific equipment to map it (wideband lambda probe and display, det cans etc...) you physically won't know how the changes to the fuelling and ignition maps you're making are effecting the engines running and performance.
By all means learn how to do it yourself as, I'm sure you'll find it's not as difficult as you think but, get all the necessary equipment first.



as i said the other day joe, take it to the right people and let them do it;-)
or youll be crying when it all goes badly wrong!
by all means learn (same as im doing) but theres a big difference in knowing what your doing and thinking you know what your doing' if you get my drift!
there is no room for error as you should well know by now.


okay you guys confirmed wat i thought i spent so much bloody money on this car im now starting to try and save some doe but i suppose now i spent this much got a feeling its now turned into a never ending thing, my poor mums gonna be stuck with me forever!


Staff member
The commander is only good for tweaking, you need a datalogit and AFR input to map a car. That will also cost you about £400.

Get someone who knows what they're doing, IF your mods are simple then it should be straight forward. Learn later as no one should expect miracles for £300 of mapping for 4 hours work.