snow in april :S



EssexAaron said:
big lumps of the stuff coming down:shock:

i was supposed to be going brands the watch bristish superbikes:lol:


Fast Guy

Staff member
I'm guessing you're quite young. It was quite normal when I was at school. We used to have snow that didn't melt the same day it landed. It would be white over for weeks at a time.:thumbsup:
One year it even snowed briefly one day in June.:shock:

Fusion Ed

Active Member
Couple of years ago early April had the first BBQ nice hot late sping day, then come about 6pm starts getting colder and by 10pm two inches of snow.... very odd.

Caused by global cooling and all that.

Fast Guy

Staff member
Odin said:
I remember 17 years ago when my twins where born being snowed in at their grand parents for over a week, The snow was so deep you couldn't actually see the car at all anymore, The snow had even blocked the front door :shock:
Was that 1992ish? That's the last bad snow I can remeber. It started snowing one monday afternoon and finished sometime Tuesday. There was about 18" of snow. I was living in Dundee at the time and used it as an excuse to get the week off work as I was snowed in, until I dug my car out on the wednesday and then 10mins later the snow plough came along and filled me back in.:doh:


Well-Known Member
I woke up to find it snowing this morning and ive been out paintballing in it all day :shock: I found out that freezing cold finger tips being hit by paintballs = lots of pain :lol: