Soft brake pedal


New Member
I have 6 pot tarox brakes but sometimes after a good hard drive the first push of the pedal seems to travel a bit to far (enough to make you clench your cheeks) it dont do it all the time so when it does it gets you proper.I have no leaks and ive bleed them front and back loads of times,it passed its MOT yesterday and they said how good they were ! They have been like it 6 months now and they dont get any worse or any better.Any ideas :?:


New Member
I'm sure i've read somewhere that if the master cylinders to small for the uprated calipers it can cause problems ????


Active Member
Sounds like the heat of a heavy drive is causing something to expand. Might be a dodgy seal in the master cylinder or calipers or the hoses are expanding. Have a good look around these areas. If this isn't it, could be an air lock. These can happen no matter how many times you bleed the brakes and could prove a bugger to remove. Take it to a garage with one of those machines that sucks the fluid through to bleed the brakes.

Hope this helps.

Fast Guy

Staff member
When you say driving hard, does that include braking?
Are they OK on the first push when you drive normally ?
It might be worth changing your brake fluid if you haven't. It could be old fluid boiling maybe. If you had air in the system, I'd expect the pedal to be soft all the time, but you never know :?


I've lost count of the people I've spoken to who have this problem (my old car included). Bleed the brakes to within an inch of their lives and then just get used to it. At least it's better than having standard brakes!!!

Fast Guy

Staff member
Do these calipers (and any others with this problem) have 2 bleed nipples? As I just wonder if there's a little bit of air trapped in the caliper somewhere :?:


New Member
They only have one bleed nipple and they do it when i dont touch the brakes on a hard drive,i try to hover over them to give em a test before i have to use them.Yeh they are better than standard but they are a bit dangerous :twisted: Oh and i put goodrich brake hoses throughout and it didn't help at all nor a 5.1 brake fluid change.


That's the problem, you can't cure it. Just get used to doing a quick double-pump when you brake. It's not ideal, but there really isn't a fix (it's nothing to do with air still in the system, mine were bled about 100 times and it never went).


The cause of problems described in a couple of posts above is definitly master cylinder diameter being too small.


New Member
I dont think there is a cure either but i will change the master cylinder cos ive changed everything else, anyone have any ideas about a replacement, maybe a skyline one?Or is it just not worth it.


dal.a said:
I dont think there is a cure either but i will change the master cylinder cos ive changed everything else, anyone have any ideas about a replacement, maybe a skyline one?Or is it just not worth it.
Standart one is 15/16 inch diameter. Try to use 1 inch master cylinder, it should be enough if the pedal is soft, but it won't be enough if you reach the floor with the pedal.


New Member
Cheers,I'll have a look around.The pedal dont touch the floor it just travels an extra 2-3inches when it feels like it.


New Member
i have the same problem and im running stock brakes!!!
its that first pump that makes u soil your bloomers


New Member
Not wrong there,i had a look at changing the servo took the inlet ect off and decided it was too much greif so i put it all back. :?