Speedometer problem! Urgent help required please!!



Ok.. when I got the car it would only go upto 100mph, then the needle would fall back to zero. The guy said... "you just need to take the needle off and put it back on again and it'll be ok" (lockwood dials have been fitted).

The speedometer itself also seemed to not work accurately along with the odometer not working at all. I knew it had a speed converter chip fitted, so today I attempted to sort the problem out!

The chip has 4 wires on it.

Yellow = KM signal in
Blue = MPH signal out
Green = Earth
Red = +12v

I've read the guide floating about the net, (http://www.gtiroc.com/index.php?page=speedo but the one for that chip seems to have 6 wires?!?

The yellow and blue wires were connected to the green wire on the main black speedo connector block.

The other two were connected in a different place as to where the how to guide said.

If you look in the below picture the red and green wire were connected to a screw to the left of the white plastic circle and to the right of it. Neither of the screws themselfs seemed to be actually connected to anything. They were not connected where they say they are in the picture.

I did connect them there to see if it would make a difference. I don't have a multimeter etc, but I just assumed they were the right places and followed the picture.

Put it back together, switched the car on and the needle sat at about 10 or 15mph. I then turned it off... back on again, and it moved to the 15mph again.

I then removed the needle from the speedo and put it back on. It would only turn to 40mph lets say (when stationary, moving the needle by hand). So I took it off and put it back on again until I could move it all the way round to 180mph.

Now I have a few problems here....

a) Am I wiring the wires upto the correct places as per the above pic with a chip with the 4 wires I stated?

b) The speedo isn't moving at all now. Is this due to wiring problem, or because I removed the needle and put it back on? Easy way to resolve this? Or know it's in the right place???

ANY help AT ALL greatly appreciated!!?!??!

Cheers.... a man in desperate need.


Active Member
Ok.. when I got the car it would only go upto 100mph, then the needle would fall back to zero. The guy said... "you just need to take the needle off and put it back on again and it'll be ok" (lockwood dials have been fitted).

The speedometer itself also seemed to not work accurately along with the odometer not working at all. I knew it had a speed converter chip fitted, so today I attempted to sort the problem out!
This is normally a faulty converter/derestrictor from the threads I've read on this in the past. If you remove or replace it tends to fix the problem.

The rest I can't help you with.



I take it I can put any 12v feed into the converter? The only reason it was connected to the back of the speedo clocks is because there is a 12v there.

Obv I don't know where without a multimeter. Might just take a feed from the cigerette lighter.


I'm thinking now that the speedo is knackered as the needle was removed along with the spindle! .. DOH!

A new set of clocks required.