Steering wheel suggestions...


Active Member
Hi All,

The leather on my standard steering wheel has just split :roll:

On my previous R I had a momo steering wheel, which I used to really like, but can't seem to track it down online - mostly because they all tend to look similar and a bit shit in the pictures.

So, what steering wheels would you all recommend? I'd be more interested in leather rather than suede (although would consider both), and don't want one of those chavvy wierd shaped ones! :lol:




Active Member
Cheers all :)

Pimp - thats the one I was leaning towards, would I need anything else to fit it beyond the stuff in that advert?

Jack - yeah I've seen and quite like that one too cheers, but prefer the one above.

Bobby - bit bright and lairy for me sorry, plus doesn't really go with the rest of the car.



New Member
im not sure if you need anything else or not. mine was already fitted! are you buying brand new? if so you should get everything needed if its gtir specific. maybe someone else will know if you need anything else


Active Member
Not to everyones taste but it gives me more room for my knees with the seat in,plus it was ebay cheap:lol: :oops:


Active Member
No worries bud. I was reading on another forum (when I was searching for a wheel) and it seems a lot of the old skool type VAG boys use the 280 mil i.e. Golf Mk1's, Corrados etc.


Active Member
I went for the momo race in the end, nice steering wheel - just waiting on delivery.

Cheers everyone :)



Active Member
:lol: You may laugh, but you'd be surprised at the amount of angular chav shite out there you can buy :(


vss irvine

Well-Known Member
griff, what diameter is your wheel?
does it block the view of the clocks at all, as i know the smaller wheel does.


Active Member
I think its a 350mm from rally nuts perfect view of the clocks my seats have been lowered so it may block if running std seat height.
