Sticking rear callipers

Deisel Weisel

New Member
It’s definitely not the handbrake assembly sticking on. It was the nearside that seemed to be getting the hottest, but this morning the offside pads were smoking :? So it looks like each side needs doing, and pdq. So what are my options?

New callipers are £170ea. That's about twice what I'm prepared to spend.

If I get used callipers, there’s no guarantee they’ll be any better. Or is there somewhere knocking out reconditioned callipers on exchange?

I’ve heard about calliper reconditioner kits. Not sure how much they cost, whether I’d need special tools, and how easy?


Edit: Just spoke with F1 AutoCentre in Chelmsford (similar to Kwik Fit). I’ll take it to them and they’ll inspect the callipers on Saturday. If it’s a question of only regreasing/freeing up the sliding assmb, it’ll be £25 per side, but that procedure might need repeating every 18 months....I’m capable of doing this myself, I just lack decent tools at the mo. If it’s not that, they’re saying the callipers need to be thrown away and replaced.


New Member
Id defo do that first mate, free them up first and see if it makes a diff and for how long, if you get them done properly they should last for a very long time, enough time for you to pay £25 each side if required lol.

If that doesn't work i would just get some callipers off here, im sure people on here wouldnt sell you sh1t, but i may be wrong. :roll: :wink:

Deisel Weisel

New Member

Well I took it to F1 that w/end, and they did a diagnosis for free. They’re not sliding as they should, but worse, the piston rubber gaiters were mashed, and pistons no doubt corroded as a result. I had lined up some good s/hand callipers on here, but I’ve got a Sunny GTi (not GTi-R), and I discovered at the last minute that the GTi shares the R’s front callipers, but the rears are different. I’ve since found a guy on the Sunny GTi forums who has a pair, but he’s not got back to me yet. However, someone on the same forums recommended these people: They offer reconditioned callipers, or ‘remanufactured’, as they prefer to call them. They quoted £238.52 inc. vat, for a pair, but you get £70.50 back once you send back your old callipers, making it £168 inc vat. New callipers are £170ea inc vat. So £168 sounds like vfm, but it’s about the maximum I want to spend to solve this problem. Unless I can find a cheaper reconditioning service, or some decent s/hand, I’ll order some by the end of the week.


Edit: Just to let you know it was danjcotta, on here, who went to the trouble of thoroughly inspecting his GTi-R rear calipers, before offering them to me (before I discovered they wouldn’t fit my GTi). Worth contacting him if anyones after some decent s/hand rears.


If the caliper itself is ok, but the sliders are seized (very common front and rear ) then would be worth getting either 2nd hand set off sliders and mounting bracket, and then overhaul em with a Nissan overhaul kit. Do check the cable's too chap cos if there original they will be dragging by now. But there pricey too for what they are. 8)

Deisel Weisel

New Member
Thanks Olly. F1 reckoned there was more to it than just the sliding mech. At least one piston has a completely mashed rubber boot, so is almost certain to be corroded and need replacing. I checked out the prices:

Caliper seal kit for two calipers, from Nissan dealer: £67.21 inc VAT.

If a piston needs replacing, that’s another £76.53 inc VAT each.

I think I’ll be ordering some ‘remanufactured’ calipers from Brakes International, tomorrow.


Staff member
Good find with brakes international. Mine are questionable at the moand this looks like a sensible option.
