
I all ways thort it would never happen to me but it has , Id had spent the weekend in bristol with emma (my miss) she live is a place called cliftone it a realy posh area of bristol . I always thort my car was safe up there till last nite ,

At some piont in the nite to CHAV C-U-N-TS tryed to still my car as thank god they never got in to it to drive it a way , so i gess they thort let`s do the next best thing a smash the rear wing off the back :evil: :evil: :evil: so when i got down to the car this morrning to find that there was no wing on the back of my car as you could gess i was very f-u-c-ked off , if i find tha chav that did it i will fuck there shit up i will pull there finger nails out just like the way they pulled my wing off my R :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil:

so now i need a rear wing for my R i need it asap so if anyones got one out there can i buy it

cheers from a very sad and fukced off lionel. :cry: :evil:


jealous thievin scumbags.!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:

Atleast they didnt get the car tho bud.



gutted for you :( my mum inherited a house in hotwels rd clifton normally nice area but god there is a lot of chavs and homeless around bristol


New Member
I'm waiting for something like this to happen its a matter of when not if really.

You'd be surprised how much this stuff goes on in well off areas cause thats where all the twocers go as they know people round nice areas have nice stuff and nice cars.


yer i no dude, if i find out how they are i will brake there legs just like they did to my R :evil:

yer they think coz u got a nice car and u live in a nice area that ur loaded , there rong, i live in ewport south wales and its not that nice here but nuffin like that has ever happen to me


Active Member
Sorry to hear this lionel, i had to rescue my pulsar from gangs twice before i sold it. One was weeing on the bonnet :evil: I have never ran down stairs so fast in my life.


Well-Known Member
:shock: You dont have much luck with your car mate :(

I've got relatives in Clifton, it was probably some of the scum from Fishponds or St Pauls :evil:


thanks all , yer il get some pics 2nite , dum assis snaped one side so it cant realy be use on any other car :lol:


ur alarm aint very good is it?

mine goes off as soon as someone touches it -

these thieves make me sick -

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
Its pretty pathetic when they have to resort to this kind of behaviour!

What a bunch of morons! :evil:


New Member
Why?People who do this are f00kin morons :evil: .I was moving into my new house today and had the fireblade parked out the front,when i went back out the front of the house some little retard had twisted one of the mirrors completely round facing the wrong way...WHY??no damage done but completely pointless.I think im gonna set something out the front of my house to entice them in to my air rifle killing area,i may video this and start a website with the results :lol: