Storm force



and NO!

All Gimmicks

With the first one it even states
It takes power to make power,
Thus you need to use power to make it do anything.
It would also be restrictive and would never flow enough air.
The exhaust thing is just a crappy halfords type pile of poo. Didnt look at the last one but it's probably poo too.


Phew thats wat i was hoping you would say :!: The last ones well pricey. Goes up to about £500 :!: Leave it for all the metro owners out there. They did strike me as being a bit max poower but was a little wary in case they might have been ok


Active Member
are they having a laugh??

put that plastic fan in your intake?

You spend good money getting a high flow filter and a straight pipe induction kit so ur turbo can suck all the air in that it needs .. then stick that piece of sh1te in the way?????

Saxo owners only I'm afraid.

If you want a supercharger get a supercharger not a fookin desk fan :lol:

GeeTee 8)


geetee said:
are they having a laugh??

put that plastic fan in your intake?

You spend good money getting a high flow filter and a straight pipe induction kit so ur turbo can suck all the air in that it needs .. then stick that piece of sh1te in the way?????

Saxo owners only I'm afraid.

If you want a supercharger get a supercharger not a f***in desk fan :lol:

GeeTee 8)
funny you should mention that, they use a similar idea to that in the US in muffler design that actually improves airflow

plus they also use it in truck intakes to increase torque

so you cant really say its a gimmic per say