Straight Cut Quaiffe Box + LSD + OS Giken TwinPlate Clutch & Flywheel?


New Member
Hi Guys,

I'm currently taking box off and end casing of transfer to get the diff out - hoping it would make things easier this time as last 4-5 boxes I've done.. was transfer + box out together.

While it's out.. would like to fit a quaiffe straight cut box in.. don't mind if it's dog or not and also a 2-1 LSD?

I "MAY" have damaged my twin plate os giken clutch + flywheel so if anyone's got one of these.. I will know tomorrow whether or not I need one.

Prices and availability please :)


New Member
well I'm not about to pull my phone out to take a pic for you with 0w50 all over my hands :lol:

I think steve's got a os giken I'm pretty sure I see one in his thread so I'm bearing that in mind.