strange noise, advice please =(


New Member
ok guys, getting weird noises which im pretty sure are coming from the gearbox... the only way to describe the noise is its like the sound of cogs meshing with eachother,or like a creeking sound. im getting abit of juddering when pulling away now, the noise is there on idle but not as loud, but if you put the clutch pedal down it gets louder,then quiter again when released...

does this sound like the box or the clutch???

any advice much appreciated :cry:


Active Member
yep, sounds like the bearing.

Juddering clutch can be down to oil on the clutch or warped center plate or pressure plate or a damaged flywheel.


New Member
just tried driving it and the clutch seems to be biting really early in reverse,hard not to stall it as it just leaps back as soon as you lift the clutch pedal abit...


Active Member
it shouldn't matter if it's 1st , 5th or reverse. the clutch should bite at the same point.


New Member
think its the gearbox,making some wierd rattling sound on idle. like the bearings. can you get gearbox rebuild kits?


Active Member
there isn't a "rebuild kit" as such, you'll need the box stripping and finding out what's worn (probibly everything as it's at least 12Yo)


New Member
got mine fully reconned by pete gears he specialises in ford rs and cosworth stuff normally but sorted mine no trouble cost me around 200-300 mark for parts and labour he has built quaiffe boxes for Rs in the past so knows what hes doing