strange rattle just after startup


Anyone have any idea what this could be:

When I start the engine from cold, it starts perfectly, a little rattle until the the oil pressure builds up, 1 sec if that, then it ticks over on cold idle at 1400-1500revs, no problem.

If I let it sit like that for a few minutes, not driving it, it doesnt make the noise, but if i rev it to 2000rpm and hold it there, after about 15-20 secs something starts to rattle on the left side of the engine. After about 1-2mins the noise fades away never to come back again until another cold start.
Its a rotatingy rattley type sound (!).

I took it to Nissan in Burton, early one morning and let it stand for 6 hours to reproduce it them, they had 3 mechanics round it and it did it on cue and they said it sounded like some of the jets for the oil on the cams were blocked and they promptly stripped it down and cleaned it all out for me (200squid), obviously the car was warm so i couldnt try it till next morning, but it was the same (bum).

When i fitted my new mongoose exhaust it went away for a bit, which puzzled me, but now its back, no worse or better than before.

Ive had a new water pump fitted, so its not that, to me it sounds like timing chain but I know nothing and am told its not the chain. Only things left down there are power steering pump and alternator, does it sound like these? Possibly chain tensioners taking a few minutes to work properly.

It runs like a beaut when shes warmed up, though with my oil cooler driving round town the oil only just gets above 70c.

So much quieter now i've had all the bearings replaced in the box and put redline in.

Any help appreciated



Staff member
The infamous cold start timing chain rattle, most of the un-rebuilt R' engines will do that, mine doe's. I spoke to Ian at Hiteq about this and he said it was nothing to worry about, it's because the timing chain tensioner relies on oil pressure to take the slack out of the chain and on a cold, cold start it takes a split second for the pressure to build up.