Does anyone think it's a bad idea if I cut away at the metal Walls underneath both headlights , not gona take much just enough for intercooler pipes
Does anyone think it's a bad idea if I cut away at the metal Walls underneath both headlights , not gona take much just enough for intercooler pipes
I'm sure that the light panel adds something to the body if you where in an accident, But just be sensible with the grinder as said above.there not structural, but just don't be sill with the grinder
That looks like my engine bay at the mo lol. Although I'm struggling to work out what's going on in your bay as you have what looks like a silicone pipe where the turbo elbow should be.I've cut part of the area you're talking about away for my intercooler pipe work. As long as you give it a coat of paint afterwards to stop it rusting it'll be fine ;-)