sump removal


New Member
well i've read the how to and posted a question about it on both sites but i'm still none the wiser.

i've got all the bolts out of the aluminium part of the sump and was just wondering what size bolt i need to put in the 2 spare holes to force the sump from the block?

i've tried all the gearbox bolts and sump bolts but none fit.


have you undone the hidden bolts into the gearbox? I just knocked a few stanley blades into the gasket to pry apart.


New Member
well i have the engine on a stand and all the bolts and the 2 little nuts removed.

looking in the manual says to reuse 2 of the gearbox bolts and shows which ones, but they don't fit. i will go have another look now but i'm sure i have tried those bolts.

thanks for the tips guys


New Member
yeah i read bobs guide first, infact the last post is mine..

on closer inspection, the reason none of the gearbox bolts would fit was the dirt in the holes they needed to go in. looking clean at a glance, they really had loads of crud in the threads. 2 of the bolts from the underside went in no problem once i cleaned them out. feel like a bit of a tit for not spotting this sooner and needing to ask all these daft questions.

thank you for your help people!


New Member
had exactly the same problem myself fella, infact the bolts also look to large diameter to but they do.