Tarox 6 pot 298mm brakes



I've been told this kit will fit under a 15"wheel and was wondering if anyone on here uses them??
They are fookin expensive but are they any good :?:
Was going to get a kit from Hispec then i read some disturbing things so that put me off... Willwoods seem a popular choice but has anyone subjected them to sustained track abuse?
Could anyone reccomend a kit that will go under 15"wheels that works for the track?(please!)


I did what would normally be a typical session at a track day (15 minutes of sustained abuse) at Castle Coombe at last year's Japfest with my Wilwood 280mm kit. I got absolutely no fade, and I brake HARD!!! All I got was a bit of pad grumble on the last couple of laps, which showed they were being worked hard, but still no signs of fade.

I have 15s, although they are Compomotive MOs (massive brake clearance for a 15).


Jgti-r i've got compo mo wheels as well :wink:
How many track days have you done with your willwoods? Whats it like getting replacement pads discs etc?

Crazy unfortunately your brakes wouldn't fit :roll:


I've not done any more track days in my car, as I have the use of a Lotus Elise for my normal track-day fix 8) . However, after my Coombe test I doubt very much you'll have any problems with a normal session type day, as I was out there for a lot longer than I would be on a full track day and had no problems.

As for getting replacement pads and disks, I just ring up Rally Designs and they're at my door 3 days later (they have a 24 hour service as well).

The good thing about the MOs with these brakes is you've got about 2cm of clearance to the side of the caliper (most wheels give about 2mm if you're lucky) so you get loads of airflow to them as you're driving.


I've just got a set of Wilwoods fitted based on severel peoples comments. Many have used them on track days and have had no signs of fade at all. I cant fault them so far either! Very pleased!!! I've got the 310mm kit with 16's and I'd say it WONT fit under 15s. :shock: See what you think.




I've heard mixed views about the Wilwoods personally. Generally they seem to be a cheaper but quite good set-up.

However a friend of mine works on a race car and the Wilwoods just cracked open and left them with no brakes! :shock: It's quite a rare fault I'm sure but the car was a 450bhp Calibra touring car and the callipers couldn't handle hardcore fluid and driving.

If you're after a good set for track days and fast road then I'm sure they're fine; I've several other friends with Wilwoods and they seem happy.


Has anyone tried Garys 308 mm brembo kit???
This is supposed to go under 15"s..



samellio said:
I've been told this kit will fit under a 15"wheel and was wondering if anyone on here uses them??
They are fookin expensive but are they any good :?:
sam i very much doubt if they will fit under 15" wheels.i`ve got either 308 or 315mm 6 pot tarox brakes and they barely clear the 17" superleggera.

imho,they are siht anyway and are certainly not worth the money i paid for them.my ex tuner said he tried several dif compounds of pad and they are still crap :evil:


i ahe a tar-ox 6 pot kit with 298mm discs on my gti-r under 15inches wheels.

this kit is extremely well made and the calipers are really compact.i have speddline cores 2108 wheels and i don't have to fit whell spacer with them!!!
the price is a bit high, but you won't be disappointed.
only suggestion is to take the new ferodo compound for the pads instead of the tar-ox standard one....much better in my opinion!!!
another good point to tar-ox kit is the pad size!!!very very big!!!!twice than the standard gti-r one!!!!!