throttle boddies


New Member
well yeh your right but the cock who messed my engine up has screwed them all in fully
car is sorted now and running right just wana make sure


New Member
I think the idea is that their adjustment screws for balancing the throttles so there's no answer to your question. I imagine there's a piece of test equipment or procedure with a pressure gauge to balance them out again.


Staff member
As Bed says, I believe it requires balancing gauges to be put on all the nipples; like if you were trying to tune twin (or quad) carburettors. - Without that there's no telling how they should be adjusted to get the same flow through each one.

Born Again

New Member
As above, really.
They'll need to be setup correctly as the difference of a 1/4 of a turn could make a significant difference.


ideally you need 4 vacuum gauges to set them up....all readings should be equal with throttle closed.
adjust one to get maximum vacuum pressure then match the other 3 to same reading, if you cant achieve the same pressure on remaining 3 then lower the first one so you can equal them all
you can do it with one gauge going to each one individually but nowhere near as accurate that way


even running and much better fuel economy, if they are balanced correctly it also ensures correct fuelling to each cylinder providing there are no other underlying issues present.

you should never really have to touch these as they are factory set from new, its when people fook about with them and dont know what there doing that prob's arise

Fast Guy

Staff member
I did read about this on bikes when looking into it and some suggested to set it at cruise rpm as that's where the engine spends most of it's time. If you get the kit I'd probably set it for idle and check it at higher revs and if there's a big difference possibly be tempted to run it at both set ups and see what feels best.

red reading

Active Member
Balance is balance carl if you set the throttle vacuem and butterflies properley at idle the balance will remain the same at other rpm, un less you have a severe mechanical problem to cause un even vacuem between cylinders.

Fast Guy

Staff member
You would have thought so, but the bike guys often found they were out at high revs compared to idle. It could just be down to restrictions caused by machining differences in different runners for example.

red reading

Active Member
carl i am a biker and that is just forum bull shit,when setting balance that is exactley what you are setting up! small throttle openings for cruise and on and off throttle responce. at high revs the butterflies are so far open that only mechanical issues will cause problems..............hence why you set balance at tick over to spot the issues of low vacuem on a cylinder!

most lads on these bike forums don't even know how to use the balancer kits or the bikes are not maintained (valve clearences are common to leave on bikes as it is expensive) and when things go out they try to bodge to compensate.

and as for the comment of differance in machineing cause imbalance thats bollocks too flow has fuck all to do with vacuem and balance of carbs.