Trouble starting the car (Fixed)



When I start my car up from cold it doesn't start up straight away. I have to try a few times and on the third fourth or fifth go it starts.

Any ideas?



New Member
It could be the startermotor :? Fuel not getting to the engine (Fuel pump, injectors blocked, fuel filter) :? ignition leads :? ignition barrell :? Just guessing really but worth a check :wink: I dont know what you have already checked :)



Fuel pump was replaced just a few months back with a Walbro.

The car has no problem starting when he engine is hot, it's only when the engine is cold that it gives me trouble.

I am going to check the Distributor Cap today and replace the Rotor Arm to see if that helps. I'll give the leads a clean with WD40 and will change them when the ones from Nissan arrive.

If you keep the accelerator pedal pushed down and turn the ignition, the car starts up after about 10 seconds...



Sounds like the battery to me mate, when the cars hot/warm you've obviously been out driving the car so the battery has been charged. When cold i.e left over night the battery has lost charge.

They are only about £30


I've recently developed the opposite problem, starts first time when cold, but have to crank it for ages when its hot. Only just started doing it out of the blue...bloody thing !



I got a new battery in there. It's fully charged as shown by the indicator on the battery itself. The car starts if I push down the accelerator pedal after about 10 seconds.

I cleaned the leads, distributor and replaced the replaced the rotor arm today but it made no difference.

Will be changing the spark plugs soon to see if that helps.

Any further ideas.

Thanks again.

Fast Guy

Staff member
Have you checked the plugs before you start it to see if they're fouled?
Or maybe done a compression test to make sure everything's ok in that area?



I'll be replacing the plugs within the next couple of weeks as curretnly I have heat range 7 plugs in there and I'm running 1 BAR boost.

I'll try and get a compression test done as well.

Thanks for your advice.


New Member
Look at R-time topic "Fuel Pump" it seems that this guy has had similar probs as you have, by the sounds of it it may be worth while replacing the old fuel pump and see if that works and the car starts better, if so then you've narrowed it down to the fuel pump.

Goodluck, Ant.



Thing is the fuel pump has recently replaced by a Walbro within the last few months :?. Unless may be it was fitted incorrectly or has packed up :?.



New Member
Re: ...

hmmm said:
Thing is the fuel pump has recently replaced by a Walbro within the last few months :?. Unless may be it was fitted incorrectly or has packed up :?.

I think his was a Walbro wasn't it?? Its always a possibility mate, if its a garage that fitted it id take it back to them and say that the car seems to be struggling starting and you want to just rule out whether its the pump or not, thats what id do anyway.

Goodluck mate,

Ant. :wink:


Active Member
monsterGTi-R said:
Does your air flow meter need a clean inside? :?
You shouldn't touch the airflow meter inside as it is very delicate, it shouldn't ever need cleaning. if it does, your ar filter isn't working properly !!!

This all sounds like a fuel starvation problem and all points to the fuel pump by what you have said. I'd do what Antgtir suggests and take it back to where you got it fitted. They could test fuel pressure etc when the engine is cold !!





The pump was already on the car when I bought it.
Any idea on the cost of getting the fuel pressure tested?




Got time today to have a look at the spark plugs and the tips were covered in hard black soot. I think this could be due to the car running 1 bar boost with heat range 7 plugs. Will be changing over to heat range 8 plugs to see if that cures the problem.


New Member
This sounds like the car is overfueling and when cold the choke will automatically come on and probably end up blowing the spark out therefore making it hard to start when from cold, just a thought. Get it on an emissions tester when youve got it running and see what the levels are this will confirm whether or not you are overfuleing, as you say changing the heat range of the plugs may help too.

Ant. :wink:




Got the some NGK Iridium Spark Plugs delivered this morning and have fitted them to the car. Now to wait and see if the car starts up first time tomorrow morning.

I also did a Fault Code check and got 1,2 (AFM). I will be replacing this as soon as I get hold of one. (should have done this first :oops: ).

Will keep you guys posted.
