tubo dynamics turbo`s


New Member
just wondered on peoples opinions on the md214(ie stage 5) and the md196(stage 6) turbo`s :?:

md214 roller bearing turbo,special 54mm gt25 76 trim turbine,high flow 76mm to4s compressor wheel (53mm inducer), reprofiled compressor housing, t28 compact gt series roller bearing core,left hand thread "low interia" shaft and wheel fitted with stagged gat/total seal turbine end piston ring fitted, 0.64 a/r turbine housing uprated 14 psi actuator. chioce of uprated actuatorand modified wastgate.capable of 420bhp.

md196 roller bearing turbo,special 54mm gt25 76 trim turbine,high flow 76mm to4s compressor wheel (53mm inducer),large 0.70 a/r reprofiled compressor housing with 3 inch inlet and 2.5 outlet, t28 compact gt series roller bearing core,left hand thread "low interia" shaft and wheel fitted with stagged gat/total seal turbine end piston ring fitted, 0.64 a/r turbine housing uprated 14 psi actuator. chioce of uprated actuator with extra strong bracket and modified wastgate.capable of 450bhp
compressor inlet and outlet hoses require modification to fit this turbo in addition to the oil drain pipe flange as mentioned above. Engine remapping is essential with this turbo for best results.

does anyone know at what rpm will these turbo`s make full boost? ie using 1.2 bar of boost.

cheers nis.


Active Member
On 1.2 bar the MD196 will make full boost about 5500rpm or there abouts being that it can run 2.2bar. 1.2 will only be any good on a standard turbo.



Active Member
Nad said:
On 1.2 bar the MD196 will make full boost about 5500rpm or there abouts being that it can run 2.2bar. 1.2 will only be any good on a standard turbo.

thats not really true i could run 1.2 bar on my jgy turbo no problems and it would be fine to drive everyday and make 1.2 by 4200-300rpm
or am i misunderstanding what u put


if you go with either of the options you have listed,be sure to get a quote from universal turbo`s as they supply turbo dynamics :wink:


Active Member
Its been nearly 2 yrs since I drove on mine at 1bar so its only a rough rpm guide. Was ok just well laggy. What I meant was if ur only running 1.2 bar the best bet is a standard sized turbo otherwise ur turbo isnt running very efficiently.



if you go with either of the options you have listed,be sure to get a quote from universal turbo`s as they supply turbo dynamics
Are you sure?


I had the MD214 fitted last week by PowerStation and at the moment it is only running 1.0 bar and it spools up alot quicker than the standard turbo and it also has upped tthe torque on my car! (Well it feels like it)

I am hopefully going back to PowerStation in the next few weeks so they can fit a Unichip and then I can run 1.2-1.3 bar which should be fun :shock: :D

I was told by turbo dynamics that this turbo was good for 1.8 bar and 380-400bhp so with me only eventually going to run 1.3 bar max it should last for a good while too :wink:

I will let you guys know my bhp/torque figure after I have the Unichip fitted :!:


oap-r said:
if you go with either of the options you have listed,be sure to get a quote from universal turbo`s as they supply turbo dynamics :wink:
If they can be bothered to get back in touch with you. When I killed my turbo earlier this year I sent an e-mail asking them to get in touch with me in regard to sending it to them to see what I'd done, got no reply. Sent another e-mail outlining the same thing and saying I'd sent an e-mail previously, still no reply. Not exactly good customer service.
Got in touch with turbo dynamics yesterday at about 9:30, they took my details and had interlink express round at my work before 12 to pick the turbo up, THAT is good service.


I've got a TD MD188 on my 'R and im well impressed with it 8)

IT's crap at standard boost due to the extra lag but now im running 1bar, its sweet as a nut. Plenty of power as soon as you get to 3500rpm, pretty pants before though :?

I only got it setup yesterday so i haven't had that much time to experiment but when i hit full boost in the wet last night i was wheel spinnin in 1st and 2nd. Something i couldn't do on standard boost.

Jon T

Just found out they're 30 miles from me so I'll pay them a visit one day.