turbo boost and vacuum pipe prob


New Member
can someone tell/show me what turbo pipes go to what. its a bit of a mess atm. ive got 1 pipe going from the actuator to the digi boost solenoid and the other side of the solenoids pipe Tees off to the digital boost controler (SARD) and goes elsewhere! It looks like a pipe is supposed to come off the top mount intercooler (top right side) but there isnt one! And also there is a pipe that has been cut and blanked off from the inlet (right side again) and i dont know where it supposed to go!
my car is running standard boost with the boost controller off untill i sort this out, as when i turned it on and floored it the other day it felt like a big missfire (controller at 1.2bar) assume this is coz the pipes are wrong

please can someone help?! pics or anything much appreciated. did a search but couldnt find anything. cant even find any fitting instuctions

cheers in advance:thumbsup: :-D


hi aron
run the inlet manifold main vacuum pipe (thats blanked) directly to the sard boost controller solenoid, the one from your solenoid on the inner wing should be teed to gauge and controller also.
and the other side should go to your wastegate actuator.

forget about the pipes to and from the topmount, just bypass that!

im 99% sure thats right but i cant find any photos:sad:


the pipe from the intercooler is basically a short bit of hard pipe which runs underside but you dont really need to use that at all, just come directly from the inlet manifold main vacuum pipe

forgot to mention the tee to d/v aswell off the inlet manifod vacuum!
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