Turbo replaced... Walbro now?


New Member
My engine is now completely reconditioned with a brand new GT28RS turbo; except it the car is completely stock, now it's running well but, the idle is slightly moving and when I go up with revs it is not very linear, I feel some little revs movements...

The turbo is almost the same of the original (I didn't change the pressure) but, spools slightly before at about 3.000 rpm and it's for sure more efficient... maybe the engine wants more fuel?

Fitting a Walbro 255 may fix the problem? Or do I have to check something else?


New Member
but the standard ECU cannot be remapped, right? they offered me to replace the standard eprom with another one in order to reach also higher turbo pressure...

so don't you think it's a matter of fuel pump? the turbo pressure is the standard one!


Active Member
Regardless of fitting an uprated fuel pump, the air-fuel ratios will be all wrong because you have a bigger turbo. You could look into Nistune?