skiddusmarkus said:
Wastegate can be open at low revs too Nikko-say going up a hill in 5th and it levels out.Revs stay the same but the wastegate will open as boost is no longer needed due to decrease in load on engine.
The wastegate is controlled by boost pressure, it only opens once the actuator sees boost. No boost = closed wastegate.
The idea of the twin dump pipes is to get rid of the turbulence in the area just after the exhaust turbine, reducing back pressure. This also in theory allows the wastegate to do it's job properly, so you get better boost control. A good twin dump design will give better spool up, the key thing is that the if the pipes join back together, the join has to be smooth, otherwise you're just moving the turbulence, not getting rid of it. A single dump pipe with a splitter between the wastegate and turbine exit is much easier to build, and seems to work just as well, but it doesn't look as cool 8)