Upgrade or sell nd buy upgraded?


New Member
Was thinking bout selling my car nd buying an upgraded one but im stuck in two minds :s my car is in fantastic condition and would be a little bit disheartened to sell it and end up with one that isnt as good! What do i do?? Any ideas on how much all uprated internals are?


Active Member
If you can't rebuild the engine yourself then it will work out very expensive. Your probably better off buying another engine from one of the reputable breakers, both standard and forged lumps come up regularly. If you have a rust free shell then I would stick with it.


New Member
I can do all the work myself no problemo just wondering what you wud think the parts would come upto to buy all internals or a engine with them already in?


Active Member
Have you actually confirmed what's wrong with your R? Iirc you had a noise and from the description the consensus was big end failure .


New Member
Ive replaces big end shells with no damage to crankshaft nd noise has gone thank fcuk lol would just like one with forged internals coz mine isnt proving very reliable lol


New Member
Ive posted a link to show every1 on here the pics of ny car in members r if you wana have a look


if you've got a otherwise tidy Base to work from Mate No question Mod yours that way you choose what you want instead of getting cought by someone else's shortcut
when i bought mine it had forged pistons but it didnt matter that engine S**T itself cos of the previous owners short cut
I ended up cutting my losses and dropping another engine in and since forged that =)