Uprated turbo


New Member

Ill be after an uprated turbo at somepoint over the next couple of months

2871, 3071 or similar even if a knackered turbo i can get rebuilt

either. T25 fitment or T3 fitment not a massive issue i can build to suit



New Member
Found one the dsr380? Not really what im looking for, no real capability spec etc, or did you find a different one?


Well-Known Member
There's one on eBay that claims to be uprated.
If that is a GT28 its basically just a standard turbo with a roller bearing so not really an upgrade. And you'd have to cut those bolts off the exhaust housing that somebodys welded on (badly:lol:) to fit it on most manifolds.


New Member
If that is a GT28 its basically just a standard turbo with a roller bearing so not really an upgrade. And you'd have to cut those bolts off the exhaust housing that somebodys welded on (badly:lol:) to fit it on most manifolds.
Haha found it well spotted on the welds :) not a massive believer of ebay to many people trying to scam and sell dodgy crap. Although some people are honest and have good things just hard to find on there


Staff member
If that is a GT28 its basically just a standard turbo with a roller bearing so not really an upgrade. And you'd have to cut those bolts off the exhaust housing that somebodys welded on (badly:lol:) to fit it on most manifolds.
Yeah, it's one of those "stage 2" turbos that's had a new bearing core put into it. - Modified is probably a better way to describe it since it's still got the standard part number on that plate (465997).

I didn't notice the welded bolts either. :doh:


New Member
Got an Owen developments t28 hybrid (450hp version) barely used due to upgrade. Depends on your budget really as cost me a lot so not going cheap.