urgent! Clutch Slave cylinder required



I know, i know.. I could get a new one if i wait until Monday BUT i don't have time until the weekends to do these things and i desperately need a slave cylinder. So, is there anyone in the south who has a slave cylinder spare? It is on it's last legs and there is a lot of fluid everywhere!

Please? Someone?! You'll be my friend forever?!?

Or not if that is preferred..?



New Member
loool where abouts in south? I've got a literally brand new one on my R that I'm breaking.. I was going to keep it for myself but if you need it, you can have it for £35 I paid about £45-50 for it and has been on the car for about 1-2 weeks.


I'm in Southampton but... could... travel.

It will be difficult, for obvious reasons.

Unless you feel like a Sunday jaunt? I live in a pub if that sweetens the deal? No?


New Member
I'll have to find it, since I took the engine out everything is kinda.. everywhere lol. I've got a lot of work on so wouldn't be able to come to you although a vodka & redbull would hit the spot right now haha..

I will go in early tomorrow and have a quick look for it, I think i know where i've put it. PM me your number.. soon as I've found it i will give you a bell and you can come collect it if you want. If you're coming in your R.. i've got all the tools here too if you wana get your hands dirty.


thanks for the offer but i REALLY need to do it before the start of the week. I'm going to give Hellfrauds a try as we have a huge one down the road that might have one in stock.

Fucking motor factors not being open on Sundays...


New Member
Also try partco if you've got one near you.. I think on sunday's they're open til 12pm and I'm pretty sure partco stock it ;) I got mine from Euro's but on sunday's again I think they shut at 12 and they don't do deliveries on sunday.


New Member
Hi gtir-acolic

>You sold me a broken gearbox for 2000£ do you think it is a gift?
i try to contact you you never answer me?

you have to repair the "Par straiht cut gerabox you sold me because I made a lot of work to intall it an now i have to put out all again because the item is have only 2 gears the others crack

So now it is time to come back to reality


New Member
potoss- wrong thread send him a pm it isnt even his topic so i think mynheers_a_pint wont appreciate you spamming it up ,


New Member
Serge, I have answered your every email via hotmail.. check your inbox, I said leave it with me and I'll talk to the guy I had build the box.. it is weekend, so he is not at work. I have not ignored you and that box was in PERFECT working order when I was driving with it. Like I said, leave it with me.


Yo pint, you manage to sort it?? Unless your working on the car now...


New Member
Sorry Jay but I sent you pm and mail and i never received answer

Sorry for all of this but it is the second gearbox for 2000£ and nothong good, please send me hotmail message and conect you to msn live to talk with me regards