My R, Running Fine (Aprat from the normal tick over being between 1100 and 1200 RPM (which I have been told can be sorted by getting the idle control valve checked as this could be stuck or jamed or something), Firstly anyone know how to sort this?

OK here is the weird part on Sunday I cleaned the car and put it away again in the garage for Monday's trip to work, in the morning I took it out (as on lates) and it started to run really lumpy and it gradually got worse and got the to stage of trying to stall and cut out, I then parked up to have a look and check no pipes were off and nothing so I turned round to go home and on tick over it was cutting out nearly so I started having to use the hand brake to stop which keeping the revs up slightly to keep the car alive. I did NOT Floor it to get home I toodled at about 20mph and it started kicking out small puffs of black smoke (over fueling I thought) so as I got it home it started to run fine again as I was out opening the garage then when I got in it again to pull forward and park it got lumpy. Anyway after a few people adv this may be the Air Flow Meter I spoke to a mate who had this and he just cleaned his AFM connection and its run fine ever since so when he came to check mine we atrted it and it ran perfect again, we let it warm up and again nothing wrong (apart from no petrol), so we cleaned the connection anyway and went to get petrol and still fine, I have driven this today and nothing wrong apart from the high idle that I have always had...

Anyone know of this prob or has anyone experienced this as I htought maybe the stopping and starting of the car to go to and fro the garage and house to clean it may have flooded it or could it be bad petrol or what?

Any advice and opinions will be most appreciated, P.S I have a new Air Flow Meter Lined up and will buy this as a back up for future no matter what but just want to know what this could have been.

